Corinne Hermant-de Callatay, DG Education & Culture, European Commission EDEN workshop, Copenhagen 2002 Open classrooms European perspectives
eLearning a "buzzword": eTICs + ODL + Innovation "Mainstream" for very various actions an Action Plan which includes Socrates (Minerva), Leonardo da Vinci as well: social affairs, culture, technological development, entreprise, research, infrastructures, regions are concerned as various related programmes (guide available on the eLearning pages of Europe)
eLearning (1) Actions in the school area Axe 1: Infrastructures and research Observation of uses (eWatch, Spot +, DELOS) to better understand innovation Networking of the more innovative laboratories in the field of eLearning The ‘School of the future’ projects (IST) Experimental School Environment (ESE)
eLearning (2) Actions in the school area Axe 2: The teachers' training Projects: Learnett, Recreasup, odette, etc. eLearning focus workshop on ‘Teacher training and ICT’ - The CEDEFOP project TT-Net
eLearning (3) Actions in the school area Axe 3. Contents and services Not as many demonstration projects as expected work on virtual learning environments, metadata, etc. (projects such as CELEBRATE, European Treasury Browser, INSIGHT, IPETCCO, Sypredem) Axe 4. Cooperation Cooperation among decision makers (European Schoolnet), among schools (ENIS), EDEN ICT group under the Open method of coordination
eLearning (4) The eLearning programme: fighting the digital divide; facilitating school-twinning across Europe; supporting e-learning for higher education; networking and transversal actions.
Some general ISSUES (1) e-Learning is not Learning-e Technology always outpaces Pedagogy Communication and co-operation are not obvious New conflicts, new forms of exclusion
ISSUES (2) on technology Virtual and physical architectures? Will computers really disappear (soft lab, new language labs) Screens / Digital camera Talking machines Artefacts Stage technologies New kinds of « workshops » How the school will be designed?
ISSUES (3) around pedagogy Open classrooms require new abilities: planning; networking; group work; etc. Autonomy is not an outcome of ICT supported learning, it is a condition to successful uses of ICT in learning Certification systems, evaluation are not in line with the « open » pedagogies ICT may reinforce traditional evaluation (e.g. in US) Difficult match between constructionnism and current organisations and curricula
ISSUES (4) around funding Funding innovation. Opening on free/paying resources? Setting up and maintaining services Human resources for building bridges New profiles, external experts (e.g. researchers, scientists) Sustainability of « partnerships » L.T. value of public/private partners
ISSUES (5) around education 1. 1.Analysing the learners’ needs and opportunities in personal, social, economic terms 2. 2.Defining educational pathways, adapted to the learner 3. 3.Designing education and e-learning in starting from the learner
Peer-reviewing starting from the concrete future objectives of education and training systems 1.Increasing the quality and effectiveness of education and training systems in the European Union 2.Facilitating the access of all to the education and training systems 3.Opening up education and training systems to the wider world
Contact : /ind1a.html (Socrates-Minerva) index.html (eLearning) Some documents available on the Europa site : Action Plan European Commission Reports Guide of the programmes and of the instruments Report on the concrete and future objectives of the education and training systems For more information: