GOES Program October 1, 2002 Steven P. Kirkner GOES Program Manager, NOAA/NESDIS
2 OUTLINE Program Mission Program Status Launch Planning GOES-R Series
3 GOES Mission GOES satisfies National Weather Service (NWS) requirements for 24 hour observation of weather and Earth’s environment to support storm-scale weather forecasting by forecasters and numerical models To meet requirements, GOES continuously maintains operational satellites at two locations (75 degrees West and 135 degrees West), with and on-orbit spare ready in case of failure Data are provided to users routinely from the Imager every 15 minutes and from the Sounder every hour throughout the day from each satellite. More rapid repetition is used when needed for severe weather events. Operational SpacecraftOn-Orbit Storage
4 GOES On-Orbit Status GOES-8 continues to function as the GOES-East operational satellite –Functioning on several redundant systems –Depletes all fuel reserves by April 2003 –Has exceeded operational life by 3 + years GOES-9 removed from operational service in July 1998 –Being made available to the Japanese to provide emergency coverage, if necessary GOES-10 has functioned as the GOES-West operational satellite for the last 4 years –Difficult to quantify amount of mission life lost due to Solar Array anomaly GOES -11 and GOES –12 are in on-orbit storage mode, ready to replace either GOES-East or West –Transition plan being developed to move GOES-12 to GOES-East
5 GOES-N Series Development/Production Status GOES-N Series Spacecraft (Boeing Satellite Systems (BSS), Inc.) –Government provided instruments delivered to Spacecraft contractor and successfully integrated on GOES-N Spacecraft –GOES-N Spacecraft system level testing underway –GOES-N Series Spacecraft Support Ground System (SSGS) delivered to NOAA’s SOCC Successfully completed two command/TLM/Data End-to-End testing between Spacecraft and NOAA’s SOCC –GOES-N Spacecraft on schedule to support January 2004 launch readiness –The GOES-O Bus and Payload Modules Completed Successfully mated and preparations underway for instruments integration
6 GOES-N - Anechoic Chamber
7 GOES-N Series Instruments Status GOES-N Series Imagers and Sounders (ITT) –The GOES-N (S/N08) Imager and Sounder mechanically/electrically integrated onto the GOES-N bus –The GOES-O (S/N09) Imager and Sounder currently being mechanically integrated on to the GOES-O bus –GOES-P (S/N10) Imager will remain in temporary storage at ITT. The S/N 10 Sounder is completing final Thermal Vac –Integration of S/N 11 Imager and Sounder started, leading to the ship dates of August 31, 2003 for the Imager and June 12, 2003 for the Sounder.
8 GOES-N Spacecraft Instrument Testing Spacecraft in the Z over west panel down configuration Sounder radiant cooler door open in preparation for ITT to perform the door hinge friction test Picture taken 3/26/02
9 GOES-N Series Instruments Status (Continued) NOAA GOES-N Series FM1 and FM2 Solar X-Ray Imagers (SXI) –The FM1 SXI delivered to BSS November 2001 Successfully integrated on GOES-N –The FM2 SXI delivered to BSS September 2002 Will be integrated on GOES-O for ground testing, but may not fly on GOES-O GOES-N Series Space Environment Monitor (SEM) –GOES-N SEM - Successfully delivered and integrated on GOES-N –Delivery of the GOES-O SEM - December 2002 (Lockheed Martin)
10 GOES Launch Planning
11 GOES-R Series GOES-R series will be designed to satisfy User’s needs in the 2012 to 2025 time frame –Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) Advanced Imaging –Hyperspectral Environmental Suite (HES) Advanced Sounding and Imaging –SXI Solar imaging –SEM Space environment monitoring –Other Advanced Instruments –GOES Auxiliary Services DCS, LRIT, EMWIN, SARSAT
12 GOES-R Series NOAA’s GOES will benefit by infusing state-of-the-art technology being developed by NASA, i.e., new Geostationary Imaging Fourier Transform Spectrometer (GIFTS) –GIFTS successfully completed confirmation process at NASA –Tri-Agency MOU has been signed by NOAA, NASA, and NAVY –Gifts proceeding toward critical design review –GIFTS launch early FY 06
13 GOES-R Series Planning Schedule (5/01)