facebook John Lennon I guess I should admit I was a little embarrassed when I was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, but was late to receive the award so Yoko had to accept it for me! WallPhotosFlairBoxesJohn LennonLogout View photos of John (5) Send John a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Write something… Share Information Networks: England Birthday: October 9, 1940 Political: Republic Religion: Catholic Hometown: Liverpool, England Friends PaulGeorgeYoku RingoCynthia John Lennon now has a new baby boy, Sean Ono Taro Lennon October 9, 1975 Mark George Harrison to John Lennon Ready for the show in Sweden? I am pumped. But try not to be late this time, haha! October 30, 1963 John Lennon I guess I should admit I was a little embarrassed when I was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, but was late to receive the award so Yoko had to accept it for me! January 19, 1994 John Lennon is so excited to finally be able to call my beautiful Cynthia my wife August 23, 1962 John Lennon Checking into the rehab clinic in London. Yoko and I realize we need help to get out of this! March 5, 1970 John Lennon finally finished all the divorce papers with Cynthia…glad that issue is done November 5, 1968
Personal Information facebook John Lennon is preparing to sign the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty WallPhotosFlairBoxesJohn LennonLogout View photos of John (5) Send John a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Networks: England Birthday: October 9, 1940 Political: Republican Religion: Catholic Hometown: Liverpool, England Photos Networks: England Sex: Male Birthday: October 9, 1940 Hometown: Liverpool, England Relationship Status: Married to Yoko Ono Political Views: Republican Religious Views: Catholic Activities: Song writing, singing, playing guitar or harmonica, planning a Bed-In-Peace, playing monoply Interests: Ending the war, bringing peace, music, recording new albums, spending time with Yoko, traveling Favorite Music: Little Richard, Be-Bop-A-Lula, the Isley Brothers, and Delbert McClinton Favorite Movies: How I Won the War, The Rolling Stones Rock and Roll Circus, Favorite Food: Bread, corn flakes, anything vegetarian Favorite Authors Edgar Allen Poe, Aldous Huxley, Dylan Thomas, Timothy Leary Visits Home Updated last Thursday 2 Albums On Tour with The Band Updated two weeks ago Contact Information Address: 251 Menlove Avenue Woolton, Liverpool. Phone Number: (109)
facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesJohn LennonLogout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Photos of John 7 Photos John’s Albums 2 Photo Alums Visits home 10 photos On tour with the Band 25 photos Profile Pictures 1 photo John Lennon is preparing to sign the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
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