The Present Simple The present simple is one of the most common English tenses. It is the base of the English language.
Positive Statements Form (( מבנה : I ________ my teeth (brush). He __________ his teeth (brush). brush brushes
Positive statements When we use the 3rd person with the present simple (he, she, it) we add either: “s” “es”“ies”
Additions When do we add an “s” to the base verb for he/she/it? When the verb end with a consonant For example:To work I work They work We work She works He works It works You work
Additions When do we add an “ es ” to the base verb for he/she/it? When the verb ends in an “s”, “ss”, “sh”, “ch”, “x”, and “o” For example: I mix She mixes They wishHe wishes You watchIt watches We doShe does
Additions When do we add an “ ies ” to the base verb for he/she/it? When the verb ends in a consonant + a “y” For example: We tryHe tries I hurryShe hurries
BUT… When the base verb does not end in a consonant + y, we just add an “s” For example: I playHe plays The “y” has a vowel in front of it (a, e, i, o, u) and therefore we DO NOT drop it.
Negative Statements Form: I ________ brush my teeth (brush). -or- I ________ brush my teeth. She _________ brush her teeth (brush). -or- She _________ brush her teeth. do not don’t does not doesn’t
How many verbs ( פעלים ) are there in the sentence? I do not brush my teeth. Answer: 2 12 “do” is a helping verb
How many verbs ( פעלים ) are there in the sentence? She does not brush her teeth. Answer: 2 12 “does” is a helping verb
Helping verbs We use the “to do” helping verb to help us form a negative statement in the Present Simple.
Helping verbs We use “ do ” for first person: I do not brush my teeth. We use “does” for third person: She does not brush her teeth.
Helping verbs Even though the helping verb changes, please note that the base verb “brush” stays the same for both!
Function of the Present Simple When do we use the Present Simple? To describe habits or customs. -I go to school everyday. -He goes to school everyday.
Function of the Present Simple To describe facts. Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. The sun rises in the east.
Function of the Present Simple To describe feelings or opinions. I love Sally. He thinks I am nice.
Listening activity: Eric Clapton Eric Clapton is a famous rock and roll singer. He was in the rock and roll hall of fame 3 times. He wrote “Tears in Heaven” for his son.
“Wonderful Tonight” “Wonderful Tonight”
Present Simple Time Expressions There are specific time expressions that help us identify the use of the present simple:
Game Time! Yes/No question game
How do we ask yes/no questions using the Present Simple? Answer: We use the helping verb “to do”. Examples: Do you love me? - Yes, I do. Does he love me? - No, he doesn’t.
Asking yes/no questions 59NMC7seI
Asking WH questions in the Present Simple What are the WH questions? Who What Where When Why How
How do we ask WH questions using the Present Simple? Answer: We add a WH word in the beginning. We also use the form of the yes/no question. do you work Example: Where do you work? WH word Yes/no question
Now, let ’ s see if you can create WH questions …
Game Time! WH question game
To Be
The verb “to be” I You He/she/it We They You (plural) am are is are
Positive sentences I am nice. He is sweet. They are a group. We are here. You are late. She is tall.
Negative sentences I am not nice. He is not sweet. They are not a group. We are not here. You are not late. She is not tall.
Yes/No Questions When we ask a yes/no question using the verb to be, it must come first… Am I nice? Are you OK? Is he sweet?
WH Questions with “to be” When we want to ask a WH question using the verb “to be” we add the WH word before the yes/no question format. Why is he nice? When is she sweet?
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