Planning a Vacation January 2015
Let’s review the rules! 1. Be Prepared 2. Respect Everyone 3. No Electronics
Today’s Schedule It is almost time for Spring Festival! Many of us will have time away from school – it is a good time to imagine what we would like to do during the vacation. We will talk about where we would like to go, how we will get there and what we will bring with us. Let’s begin!
Vocabulary Word #1: Destination ( 目的地 ) Let’s begin by choosing a travel destination. Your destination is where you are going. It is a place that you are trying to get to. Here are some examples: 1.I think I am going to buy train tickets this weekend. I want to travel North. My destination is Beijing! 2.I would like to go to Europe during Spring Festival. I can’t decide whether my first destination should be France or Germany.
Read these examples! I can’t wait to start traveling! I bought an airplane ticket and my first _________ will be the city of Rome.
Read these examples! I can’t wait to start traveling! I bought an airplane ticket and my first destination ( 目的地 ) will be the city of Rome.
Read these examples! Spring Festival is almost here! I can’t decide whether I should visit the beach or the mountains. I need to choose my travel _________.
Read these examples! Spring Festival is almost here! I can’t decide whether I should visit the beach or the mountains. I need to choose my travel destination ( 目的地 ).
Where would you like to go? Let’s try and think of a few travel destinations ( 目的地 ). Help me put some ideas up on the board! Try to use complete sentences! You could say, for example: “During Spring Festival, I would like for my travel destination to be ________.”
Vocabulary Word #2: Transportation ( 运输 ) We’ve decided where we will be going, now we must decide how to get there! Transportation is the way that you choose to travel. There are many different types of transportation! Here are some example sentences: 1. I find riding the train to be very relaxing. It’s my favorite kind of transportation! 2. I would like to buy airplane tickets, but they are very expensive. I will have to choose a cheaper type of transportation!
Read these examples! If I’m not travelling very far, I like to ride my bicycle. If I have to get to school in a hurry, it’s my favorite form of __________.
Read these examples! If I’m not travelling very far, I like to ride my bicycle. If I have to get to school in a hurry, it’s my favorite form of transportation ( 运输 ).
Read these examples! If I need to get somewhere, walking is usually my only form of ____________. I think I should save money and buy a car – or maybe a boat!
Read these examples! If I need to get somewhere, walking is usually my only form of transportation ( 运输 ). I think I should save money and buy a car – or maybe a boat!
How do you like to travel? Let’s try and think of some different types of transportation ( 运输 ). I will write your ideas on the board! Try to use complete sentences! You could say, for example: “If I’m going on vacation, my favorite form of transportation is ________.”
Vocabulary Word #3: Pack ( 带上 ) If you are going on vacation, you need to bring some things with you! These could be useful objects, or things that will keep you from getting bored. These are the objects that we choose to pack! Here are some examples: 1.I’m excited for my vacation, but the train ride will be so long and boring! I will remember to pack a novel. 2.I will be visiting Canada for three weeks. I should remember to pack a toothbrush.
Read these examples! I’m going to be on vacation for a long time, and I’m not sure how cold it will be. I suppose I should ____ my winter coat.
Read these examples! I’m going to be on vacation for a long time, and I’m not sure how cold it will be. I suppose I should pack ( 带上 ) my winter coat.
Read these examples! My travel destination is the beach! It will be very sunny. I will bring my sunglasses. I will also ____ an extra pair in case my friend forgets to bring hers.
Read these examples! My travel destination is the beach! It will be very sunny. I will bring my sunglasses. I will also pack ( 带上 ) an extra pair in case my friend forgets to bring hers.
What will you pack? Let’s try to think of some different things you might pack ( 带上 ) for a vacation. I will write your ideas on the board. Again, remember to use complete sentences! You could say, for example: “When I’m going on vacation, I always remember to pack ________.” “When traveling, it’s important to pack ________.”
Let’s review! 1. I am going to be traveling for three weeks! I need to remember to ________ my toothbrush, some books and some extra clothes. 2. I’ve finally decided that I will visit Shanghai during Spring Festival. Now I need to decide which form of _________ I will take. 3. I will be vacationing in either Mexico or Brazil. I can’t decide! I need help choosing my _________.
Let’s review! 1. I am going to be traveling for three weeks! I need to remember to pack my toothbrush, some books and some extra clothes. 2. I’ve finally decided that I will visit Shanghai during Spring Festival. Now I need to decide which form of _________ I will take. 3. I will be vacationing in either Mexico or Brazil. I can’t decide! I need help choosing my _________.
Let’s review! 1. I am going to be traveling for three weeks! I need to remember to pack my toothbrush, some books and some extra clothes. 2. I’ve finally decided that I will visit Shanghai during Spring Festival. Now I need to decide which form of transportation I will take. 3. I will be vacationing in either Mexico or Brazil. I can’t decide! I need help choosing my _________.
Let’s review! 1. I am going to be traveling for three weeks! I need to remember to pack my toothbrush, some books and some extra clothes. 2. I’ve finally decided that I will visit Shanghai during Spring Festival. Now I need to decide which form of transportation I will take. 3. I will be vacationing in either Mexico or Brazil. I can’t decide! I need help choosing my destination.
Destination ( 目的地 ) Transportation ( 运输 ) Pack ( 带上 )
Let’s start writing! We’ve discussed three vocabulary words today: destination ( 目的地 ), transportation ( 运输 ), and pack ( 带上 ). Now we will get some writing practice! Write a short speech using all three of these vocabulary words. Talk about where you will go, how you will get there and what you will bring. I will show you a few examples!
Example #1 Spring Festival is very soon! I’ve decided that I will travel someplace new in China. I think that my travel destination will be Beijing, because it is so full of history! I think that the high speed train will be the best form of transportation for me to use. I will get there very quickly, and it won’t be too expensive. Finally, I have to remember to pack some extra clothes and some music to listen to on the train.
Example #2 If I get the chance, I would like for my next travel destination to be a country in Europe, like London or Berlin. It would be fast and convenient for me to buy a plane ticket – air travel is my favorite form of transportation! I should also remember to pack some earplugs for the long airplane ride.
Use this to get started! During my time away from school, I would like to go on vacation. My travel destination ( 目的 地 )will be ________, because________. I think the form of transportation ( 运输 ) I will choose will be ________, because ________. I will have to remember to pack ( 带上 ) my ________!
Destination ( 目的地 ) Transportation ( 运输 ) Pack ( 带上 )