Jonas Eberle9th November Standard-based time-series data access and geoprocessing services for Earth cover change detection within the “Earth Observation Monitor” Jonas Eberle Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena Institute for Geography, Department for Earth Observation Jena, Germany
Jonas Eberle9th November Data provider Web services Introduction What is necessary when developing an app based on spatial time-series data? Apps Analysis Apps Monitoring Access Data extraction Algorithm execution Supervision of time- series data and analysis
Jonas Eberle9th November Can GEOSS support us in accessing data?
Jonas Eberle9th November Service-based architecture From SAR to spatial data infrastructures4 Middleware Data Sources Climate station dataMODISLandsat NSIDCLPDAAC Google Earth Engine NOAA (GSOD, ISD, GHCN) Google Earth Engine Other data OGC WCS OGC WCPS OGC SOS Automated time-series data access Spatial database Automated time-series data monitoring Automated time-series data analysis WPSSOSWNS WPS & W*S Clients Web portals Mobile ApplicationsScripts
Jonas Eberle9th November WPS for data discovery Landsat and Google Earth Engine example &request=Execute&identifier=gee_agu_getscenes&datainputs=[wkt=POINT( 11 51);dataset=LANDSAT/LC8_L1T;start= ;end= ; maxcloudcover=30] ID;Date;Cloudcover LC LGN00; ;5.4 LC LGN00; ;11.03 LC LGN00; ;0.2 LC LGN00; ;20.73 LC LGN00; ;1.46 LC LGN00; ;0.94
Jonas Eberle9th November WPS for data discovery Sentinel-1 ESA Data Hub – Overlapping areas &request=Execute&identifier=s1_datahub_test&datainputs=[wkt=POLYGON(( , , , , )); product=GRD;maxoverlap=70]&rawdataoutput=output Title,Overlap, Link, Geometry S1A_EW_GRDM_1SDH_ T…, 0.94, Download, POLYGON ((...)) S1A_EW_GRDM_1SDH_ T…, 1.00, Download, POLYGON ((...)) S1A_EW_GRDM_1SDH_ T…, 0.87, Download, POLYGON ((...)) S1A_EW_GRDM_1SDH_ T…, 0.94, Download, POLYGON ((...)) S1A_EW_GRDM_1SDH_ T…, 1.00, Download, POLYGON ((...)) S1A_EW_GRDM_1SDH_ T…, 0.87, Download, POLYGON ((...))...
Jonas Eberle9th November WPS for data access MODIS Vegetation pixel time-series Output uuid: b5b d d87-aea05a0234d &request=Execute&identifier=1013_single_ts_plot_point&datainputs=[dat asetName=mod13q1_evi;pointX=13.54;pointY=52.31]
Jonas Eberle9th November WPS for data analysis Breakpoints for vegetation time-series Trends for vegetation time-series data bin/testbox.cgi?service=WPS&version=1.0.0& request=Execute&identifier=2010_single_ts_ bfast_point&datainputs=[uuid=b5b d d87-aea05a0234d7] bin/testbox.cgi?service=WPS&version=1.0.0& request=Execute&identifier=3010_single_ts_ greenbrown_point&datainputs=[uuid=b5b d d87-aea05a0234d7]
Jonas Eberle9th November Use case: Earth Observation Monitor Vegetation time-series data access and analysis Datasets used MODIS Vegetation product (MOD13Q1) 250m spatial & 16-daily temporal resolution Global availability using Google Earth Engine Available analysis tools Trend calculations Breakpoint detection Phenological parameters Client applications Web portal: Mobile application for Android & iOS: mobileEOM
Jonas Eberle9th November Client Applications: MySeasons Phenology App Maps Phenology WPS GPS position Time chart User inputs Map layers MapTimeline Collect Phenology App App Data Web & Processing Server In situ DB Phenology In situ DB Phenology This application will be developed within the MyGEOSS project, which has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.
Jonas Eberle9th November Conclusions & Recommendations OGC WPS Standardized web service specification for all kind of processing tasks Research is needed for common input/output descriptions / specifications GEOSS Linking processing services to datasets would be useful! GCI could provide a WPS client in the portal Is there a way to search for specific OGC services within GEOSS? GEOSS broker / mediatorsystem for WPS? What could be achieved for GEOSS AIP-8? Registration of WPS services in the GEOSS catalogue! Make processing services more visible to users (?)
Jonas Eberle9th November Thank you for your attention! Questions? Contact information: Jonas Eberle Friedrich-Schiller-University Institute for Geography Department Earth Observation Loebdergraben Jena, Germany phone: