1a.Introduction 1b.PopIII stars and galaxies --> « top down » theoretical approach 2.,3a.Ly physics and astrophysics 3.b,4.Distant/primeval galaxies: - observational searches - current knowledge about high-z galaxies --> « bottom up » observational approach and confrontation with theory Outline of the lectures
Outline of Part 2+3a Ly physics and astrophysics ISM emission Ly : the observational « problem » Lessons from local starbursts Ly radiation transfer (+dust) Lessons from Lyman Break Galaxies Ly trough the InterGalactic Medium Ly from sources prior to reionisation Ly Luminosity Function and reionisation
Ly Emission Galaxies with intense star formation (starbursts): Intense UV radiation, ionising flux (>13.6 eV), and emission lines from HII regions and diffuse ionised ISM H, He recombination lines, [semi-]forbidden metal lines … case B: L(Ly , H , …) = c l * Q H and I(Ly )/I(Hn) = c(T,n e ) 2/3 of recombinations lead to emission of 1 Lya photon (cf. lectures G. Stasinska)
Ly Emission At (very) low metallicity: strong/dominant Ly ! since increased ionising flux from stellar pops. dominant cooling line (few metals) emissivity increased by collisional excitation (higher nebular temperature, Te) --> up to ~10% of Lbol emitted in Ly ! ==> potentially detectable out to highest redshifts!! …searches unsuccessful until 1990ies --> Part 3 Partridge & Peebles (1967)
GENERAL: fate of Ly photons scattering until escape--> Ly halo Ly destruction by dust destruction through 2 photon emission (only in HII region) Ly - the «problem » Observable UV (>912 Ang): galaxies optically thin However, very rapidly optically thick in Ly line (N HI >~ cm -2 ) --> Radiation transfer within the galaxy determines the emergent line profile and Ly « transmission » ! Furthermore: dust may destroy Ly photons Ly TRANSFER 0 E_B-V 0.1 Ly escape fraction {
The Ly puzzle(s) in nearby starbursts ies: several searches for Ly emission from z~2-3 primordial galaxies unsuccesful --> 1 or 2 puzzles: small number of galaxies and/or lower Ly emission? IUE satellite: UV spectra of nearby starbursts (Ly ) + optical spectra (H ,H ) ==> 1) extinction corrected I(Ly )/I(H ) << case B Ly : THE « OBSERVATIONAL » PROBLEM Valls-Gabaud (1993) Terlevich et al. (1993) (Meier & Terlevich 1981, Hartmann et al. 1984, Deharveng et al. 1986,… Giavalisco et al. 1996)
The Ly puzzle(s) in nearby starbursts ies: several searches for Ly emission from z~2-3 primordial galaxies unsuccesful --> 1 or 2 puzzles: small number of galaxies and/or lower Ly emission? IUE satellite: UV spectra of nearby starbursts (Ly ) + optical spectra (H ,H ) ==> 1) extinction corrected I(Ly )/I(H ) << case B and W(Ly ) smaller than expected (synthesis models) ==> 2) no trend with metallicity (O/H) Ly : THE « OBSERVATIONAL » PROBLEM Possible explanations: -dust (Charlot & Fall 1993) (but 2!) -With « appropriate » (metallicity-dependent) extinction law no problem. Also underlying stellar Ly absorption (Valls-Gabaud 1993) -Inhomogeneous ISM geometry primarily determining factor, not dust (Giavalisco et al. 1996) -Short « duty cycle » of SF may explain small number of Ly emitters
The Ly puzzle(s) in nearby starbursts Possible explanations for individual objects: -dust ? -With « appropriate » (metallicity-dependent) extinction law no problem. Also underlying stellar Ly absorption RULED out as SOLE explanations by IZw18, SBS (most metal poor stabursts known) which show no Ly emission !! -Inhomogeneous ISM geometry primarily determining factor, not dust OK, but quantitatively ? Ly : THE « OBSERVATIONAL » PROBLEM Kunth et al. (1994)
The Ly puzzle(s) in nearby starbursts Detection of (neutral gas) outflows in 4 starbursts with Ly in emission -metallicities 12+log(O/H)~8.0…8.4..solar -E B-V ~ ==> outflows, superwinds main crucial/determining factor for Ly escape!? Ly :LESSONS FROM LOCAL STARBURST Kunth et al. (1998)
Ly :LESSONS FROM LOCAL STARBURST Hayes et al. (2005) Ly line image (cont.subtracted) 2-3 D studies of Ly in nearby starbursts ACS/HST imaging in Ly + narrow continuum filter WFPC2/HST images in 5 other filters --> stellar population, UV slope … ==> Diffuse Ly emission seen ! Contains 2/3 of total flux in large aperture (IUE…) --> confirmation of Ly resonant scattering halo * different regions: different H kinematics --> but no constraint on HI kinematics at this spatial scale (requires SKA)!
2-3 D studies of Ly in nearby starbursts Imaging (ACS)+ kinematics (H Integral Field, Ly long-slit STIS) ESO 350-IG038: knots B + C: similar, high extinction one shows emission other not. Kinematics, NOT DUST, dominant SBS : only absorption seen. If dust affects Ly , it must do so at even small scale (1 pixel ~ 6- 9 pc!) Ly :LESSONS FROM LOCAL STARBURST Kunth et al. (1998) Kunth et al. (2003)
2-3 D studies of Ly in nearby starbursts Diversity of line profiles explained by evolutionary sequence of staburst driven supershells / superwind? Ly :LESSONS FROM LOCAL STARBURST Tenorio-Tagle et al. (1999) Mas-Hesse et al. (2003) , 4 5,6 M82
Lessons from nearby starbursts W(Ly ) and Ly /Hb < case B prediction ! No clear correlation of Ly with metallicity, dust, other parameters found. Strong variation of Ly observed within a galaxy Ly scattering « halo » observed Starbursts show complex structure (super star clusters + diffuse ISM); outflows ubiquitous Ly affected by: ISM kinematics ISM (HI) geometry Dust Precise order of importance unclear! Quantitative modeling including known constraints (stars, emitting gas, HI, dust + kinematics) with 3D radiation transfer model remains to be done Ly :LESSONS FROM LOCAL STARBURST
Ly transfer: basics Ly TRANSFER: THE ESSENTIALS Verhamme, Schaerer, Masseli (2006) Cross section in atoms frame Optical depth taking Maxwellian velocity distr. into account Ly optical depth (in convenient units) ~1 at line center for N H = cm -2 (and T=10 4 K) Line absorption profile (Voigt)
Ly transfer: basics Ly TRANSFER: THE ESSENTIALS From Hubeny >> 1 at line center for N H > cm -2 (and T=10 4 K) Very large number of scatterings required to escape. E.g. N H = > N scatt ~ 10 7 for static slab BUT: velocity fields or inhomogeneous medium can ease escape (Ly ) line scattering NOT a random walk: - walk in coupled spatial and frequency space - transport dominated by excursions to line wing! --> lower opacity --> longer mean free path