Atlanta Regional Commission Tom Weyandt, Department Director Comprehensive Planning May 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

Atlanta Regional Commission Tom Weyandt, Department Director Comprehensive Planning May 2008

Program Summary The purpose of the RideSmart program is to reduce: –The number of single occupant vehicles –Vehicle miles traveled (VMT) –Congestion mitigation –Emissions that are precursors to the formation of ozone CMAQ funding allocated through GDOT

Regional TDM Funding 2007

RideSmart Services Regional carpool and vanpool partner matching –Assisted nearly 31,000 commuters actively seeking carpool/vanpool partners in 2007 Regional Guaranteed Ride Home (GRH) program –More than 2,700 alternative mode commuters were provided a GRH in 2007

RideSmart Services New! Bike Buddy Program –Matching bike-to-work partners –Pilot in Emory area –In coordination with CCTMA, Bike Emory and Atlanta Bicycle Campaign New! SchoolPool Program –Matching parents of school-aged children –Public School pilot in Alpharetta

RideSmart Services –The website serviced approximately 35,067 unique visitors in 2007 –Park & Ride comprehensive map using Google Earth Regional management with eleven employer service organizations (ESOs)

Livable Centers Initiative

$10 million over 10 years for studies $500 million for transportation funding 86 Studies – - 74 funded by ARC – - 12 grandfathered 33 supplemental studies $7.1 million in study funding $1.5 million in supplemental funding $132 million in transportation funding $140+ million in total funding Study Funding

Atlanta – 14 Cherokee – 4 Clayton –5 Cobb – 11 DeKalb – 15 Douglas – 2 Fayette - 2 Fulton – 14 Gwinnett – 11 Henry – 2 Rockdale – 1 Outside – 5 Total – 86 Completed LCI Studies

The LCI developments result in: Over 62,000 residential units 9,492 hotel units Over 12 million sq ft of commercial retail space Over 40.2 million sq ft of office space Development Numbers LCI communities reported 722 developments: 363 are complete 176 are planned 150 under construction LCI Implementation Report to be updated in 2008

FY03 first year transportation funds available $132 million programmed between FY for design, right-of-way and construction projects Funds distributed to 83 projects in 50 LCI communities 28 projects are under construction or have been constructed to date 33 projects are advancing 10 projects are “of concern” LCI Transportation Funding

Pedestrian Facilities – 58% Multi-Use Trail – 6% Bike/Ped Facility – 14% Roadway Operations – 9% Roadway Capacity – 3% Transit Facilities – 9% LCI Transportation Funding

INDEX Modeling Computer modeling to measure impact of land use changes identified in LCI plans Measures existing development vs. LCI plan build-out INDEX software used with indicators focusing on 4 Ds: –Density = percent change in pop/emp per sq mile –Diversity = how diverse the study area is compared to the region –Design = how complete the sidewalks and density of the street network –Destinations = how accessible the study area is to the region

Cumberland LCI Plan

Cumberland Build-Out Modeling INDICATORBaseLCI Population57815,104 Employment12,08714,254 Population Density Employment Density Street Route Directness Use Mix Use Balance Jobs to Housing Balance Single Family Share00 Multi Family Share100 Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Emissions3,4092,045 Home Based Vehicle Miles Traveled4.32.6

MacFarland LCI Plan

MacFarland Build-Out Modeling INDICATORBaseLCI Population ,261 Employment2,8226,096 Population Density Employment Density Street Route Directness Use Mix Use Balance Jobs to Housing Balance Single Family Share Multi Family Share066.9 Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Emissions4,7393,146 Home Based Vehicle Miles Traveled8.15.4


Transit Planning Board (TPB) Regional Transit Vision “The TPB will develop a regional transit plan including a comprehensive financial plan”

Regional Travel Demand Travel demand: –Varies by corridor –Varies within corridors Demand signals appropriate service levels and transit modes for corridors

Activity center focused Expanded rail network to provide reliable travel times Extensive BRT, express and intercity bus network Cross region connectivity Expanded local bus and activity center circulators Truly multi-modal Concept 3

Cost of Transit (2030 Order of Magnitude Estimates)* Cost to Build = $16 billion –$ $1.30 per household/day** Costs to Operate & Maintain = $12 billion –$ $1.00 per household/day** Cost to Operate & Maintain existing system = $26 billion –$ $2.10 per household/day** Total to Build, Operate & Maintain = $54 billion –$ $4.40 per household/day** * Range is whether counting 10 county or 13 county region **Assumes 2010 ARC estimated household, decreases as number of households increases

For more information or to make comments contact: Cheryl King Transit Planning Board Director

Questions? Contact Us Tom Weyandt