WORK INCENTIVES PLANNING SERVICES Dispel Myths Create Opportunities This presentation is sponsored by the Oregon Competitive Employment Project, which is part of the Oregon State Department of Human Services, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Services. The project is funded through a Medicaid Infrastructure Grant from the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CFDA # ).
Today’s Workshop We’ll Discuss: 1.What, Who & When of work incentive planning services 2.Sample of Work Incentives 3.How to access services
What are Work Incentive Planning Services? –One on one counseling service –“One Stop” source of information and assistance. –Reduce fear and misunderstanding about the effect of working on benefits. –Prevents crises that result when change occurs. –Improves employment and economic outcomes through informed decision
Who can benefit from Work Incentive Planning Services? – Anyone who: Experiences a disability Has questions about: –the impact of earning on public benefits (cash, health insurance, etc.), or –what work incentives can help them reach their goal Note: SSA funded service providers are limited to serving only individuals who are receiving social security disability benefits.
When to request Work Incentive Planning Services? ANYTIME there is a question!! Examples: –Not working, but exploring the idea –Already working and increasing/decreasing hours or pay – Being offered a job and not sure what will happen if choose to accept it
Work Incentive Network Planning Services: 1.MAKE INFORMED DECISIONS about work and their benefits 2.USE WORK INCENTIVES to achieve their employment goals 3.NAVIGATE THE BENEFITS SYSTEMS when they begin working Helps people with disabilities:
SSI –B–Benefit Name –E–Eligibility –C–Cash Check Amount –R–Resources –H–Health Insurance General Fund The Basics: SSI Payment and Health Care System
Work Incentives that ASSURE you have MORE MONEY when you Work Basic Deductions: After first $65/$85 in earnings, SSI check reduced $1 for every $2 Additional Deductions let you keep more: IRWE, BWE, SEIE, PASS
Work Incentives that ASSURE access to adequate HEALTH INSURANCE Medicaid: SSI/Medicaid--1619(b) Keep Medicaid and SSI eligibility status when earned income gets so high that it causes the SSI check to become $0. ($16,308-$53,821) Medicaid Buy-In Programs Medicaid for people with disabilities who work, higher income and resource limit.
The Basics: SSDI Payment and Health Care System SSDI –B–Benefit Name(s) –E–Eligibility –C–Cash Check Amount –R–Resources –H–Health Insurance FICA
Work Incentives that ASSURE a period to try working with SAFTEY NETS Work Incentives let you keep your SSDI cash check or status when you work! Trial Work Period Extended Period of Eligibility Impairment Related Work Expenses Subsidy/Unincurred Business Expense
Work Incentives that ASSURE access to adequate HEALTH INSURANCE Medicare: Extended Provision of Medicare Coverage Keep eligibility for Medicare for at 93 months after Trial Work Medicare for People with Disabilities Who Work Buy into Medicare when EPMC ends
Work Incentives PROVIDE SUPPORT to achieve EMPLOYMENT GOAL There ARE work incentives that help pay for expenses related to a vocational goal Plan to Achieve Self Support (PASS) Individual Development Accounts (IDA) Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) Programs
ACCESSING SERVICES Vary from State to State: Every state has a Work Incentive Planning and Assistance project (WIPA) Other states have built additional capacity, ask local BLN Call and request: Benefits Planning or Work Incentive Planning Services
QUESTION? CALL or Molly Sullivan Oregon’s Work Incentive Network Coordinator For more information on the Competitive Employment Project: