Pope John Paul II By: Maddison DeGruchy and Sam LeVangie
Background information Pope John Paul II was born May 18th, He was born in the Republic of Poland. His mother died when he was 9, and his brother died when he was 12. Pope died April 2nd, He served as a pope from
Education He went to the University of Krakow's Jagiellonian in John Paul was interested in theater and poetry. School got closed because of the Nazi’s. Wanting to be a priest he studied at a secret seminary running. After WW2 was over he finished his religious studies at a Krakow seminary.
What were his contributions to society He spread his wisdom to youth as much as possible. He was influenced debates on religion freedom His views about the role of women in the church were positive compared to a lot of people during that time.
Why is Pope John Paul II so important? He made history by becoming the first non-Italian pope in four hundred years ● Pope John Paul gave the idea that Christianity and the evolution theory are related. ● Meaning religion and the evolution theory are not mutually exclusive
● He basically said that there is so much evidence out there that people cannot deny both theories. ● Stories that are told in the bible shouldn’t been taken literally and do have science behind them if you look for the real meaning.
About First pope to visit the White House. First modern pope to visit a synagogue.( Jewish equivalent of a church) The most widely traveled pope in history. Died from cardiocirculatory collapse and septic shock
Resources #synopsis #synopsis facts/ facts/ KHY3uCGY&url=http%3A%2F%2Ftaylormarshall.com%2F2014%2F04%2F10-facts-saint-john-paul- ii.html&usg=AFQjCNE37qpk_eyk-_xsxnTTilaqhfrxLA&bvm=bv ,d.cWw