Real Audio Real audio is a file format for sound and video files on the web. Real Audio files are files with either a.rm or.ram extention. Real Audio format is a popular way to encode sound files, but can also be used to show video, or to broadcast low-bandwidth music or radio.
How does it work? Usually, Real Audio is a streaming format, which means that it doesn’t download an actual file on your machine. Instead, what happens is that the host computer sends information to an audience member’s computer in real time. (The exception is archived files – these have to be downloaded.)
Using Real Audio In order to use Real Audio or Video, potential audience members must have Real Player installed on their machines (more on this later). Once you have it installed on your machine, however, you can use it to play any Real Audio or Video file. It’s a great way to share audio files with others. You can either encode your own files or find websites with applicable files.
Advantages Commonality – used by many as a default format for sound/video files Works on all operating systems (Windows, Mac, Linux) Allows user to control playback Click to hear sound file.
Disadvantages Requires Real Player Real Player is free, but is supported by ads, which will occasionally pop up on your computer. Proprietary – can’t play other types of files
How do I get it? If you don’t yet have Real Player installed on your computer, you can download a basic version for free at:
Archived Files You’ll note that the assignment I gave you is to listen to two files from an NPR show called “The Connection.” NPR archives its previous content, so we’ll have to download the files.
Archived Files (continued) First, follow the links to the two shows we need. Then, click the link that says “Listen to the show.” A dialog box will pop open and ask you if you want to save this file. Choose a location to save your file (the desktop is fine) and click “Save.” Repeat for the other file. Once your files have finished downloading, click on the file(s). They’ll pop open in Real Player.