The English Language In The World “He, who knows no foreign language doesn’t know his own one”
The aims of our investigations are the following: 1. T o research the role of the English language in the world. 2. T o study the students’ attitude to the English language.
In what countries is English spoken?
The place of the English language among the other languages Thus, the English language takes the second place in the world after the Chinese language in the world after the Chinese language
At present, 75% of the world’s mail is in English, 60% of the world’s telephone calls are made in English, 60% of the world’s radio station broadcast in English and more than half of the world's periodicals are published in English.
Nearly half of all business deals in Europe are conducted in English. It is the language of sport and glamour: the official language of the Olympics and the Miss Universe Competition. English is the official voice of the air and the sea. It is the ecumenical language of the world Council of Churches.
English is the working language of the United Nations.
Half of the world’s scientific literature is in English. It is the language of computer technologies.
Many English words were borrowed from the other languages: - from French (beautiful, pretty) - from Italian ( umbrella) - from Dutch (skates) - from Chinese (tea) - from Spanish ( cigar) - from Latin and Creek (telephone)
Are you planning studying English after leaving the school?
Does the English language need you in your life?
For what purposes: - T- T- T- To understand songs, films, computer programmers - 1 person - T- T- T- To get a better job – 5 persons - T- T- T- To live abroad – 2 persons - T- T- T- To communicate with people of the world – 2 persons - T- T- T- To do business – 1 person - T- T- T- To travel – 3 persons - A- A- A- All is important – 2 persons
Does the English language need you for your future profession?
If you had begun studying English from the beginning, would you have paid more attention to it.
When you listen to songs or watch films in English, do you try to understand what are they about?
Does the popularity of English grow in our days? What is your opinion?
If you had an opportunity to choose, what language would you like to study? The 9 th “g” form
The 9 th “a” form
The 9 th “b” form
The 9 th “v” form
The Conclusions: 1. T he English language is the lingua franca of the century. 2. T he role of the English language in the world increases in our days. 3. T he popularity of English language among the students increases. 4. T he English language develops borrowing words from the other languages.