Listen everywhere you go Available on your smart device or your computer Bring this app everywhere you go
Powered by real DJs from all around the world Music available at the press of a button Get the hottest tracks everywhere you go
Flipping through songs and making playlists for group exercise can get tough and distracting This app provides its users with mixes that keep the same rhythm and beats per minute throughout an entire workout
With keeping the same beats per minute and rhythm is helps to keep the class motivated and focused throughout the whole time slot
Picking music based on clientele can be tricky › This app really helps with this From a variety of genres you can pick from oldies to hip-hop to trance › All with keeping the same rhythm and beats per minute! The mixes help to keep an intense environment!
As you can see each genre will show you the different beats per minute that is used throughout the mix The type of mix that will be displayed/played How it is formatted and much more!
This app will help to keep all group exercise classes on the same page with beats and rhythm There are new tracks added daily so you will never run out of playlists There are playlists catered to certain workouts! › Kickboxing › Cycling › Crossfit › Etc.
With the variety of genres offered with multiple playlists in each catering to the needs of members will be easy Especially when you have an older crowd mixed in with some of the younger ones