BY: ASHLEY GAGE Study Skills
How Can YOU Help At Home? READ at home! What? Chapter books, children’s books, magazines, etc. How? Out loud, silently MORE reading=BETTER Grades!
Make Studying FUN! Listen to music Eat a snack Start an activity Find a computer game Study with a friend Change up your location
REMEMBER! ALWAYS reward your student for a job well done!!
REMEMBER! NEVER make homework a punishment!!
Make Studying a Routine Things to consider: Activities Family Commitments Favorite TV Shows Concentration Ability
Make Studying a Routine! Agree on a time as a family THEN: Turn the TV and Radio OFF! Don’t accept phone calls! Make this quiet/study time for everyone!
Pay Attention! Things to look for: Distractions Complaints Frustration Boredom
Communicate! Know the standards of the school and set your own! Use your resources! (museums, park, fairs, etc.) Reinforce what was learned in class! Talk to your child and listen to them!
What Can YOU Do? Read at home! Make studying fun! Find a routine! Pay attention! Communicate!
If You Do… You will see: Higher test scores Higher graduation rate Higher rate of furthering education Better behavior
References chool.html chool.html