77 Mass and Collision
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77 Mass and Collision Key Vocabulary acceleration controlled variable deceleration force mass tested variable variable weight
77 Mass and Collision Read the introduction and look for key ideas What are the properties of this hammer that give it the potential to apply a lot of force?
77 Mass and Collision Does the mass of an object affect the force it applies during a collision? Does the mass of the green truck affect the force it applied to the white truck?
77 Mass and Collision Mass What is mass? What is weight? Record your answer in your notebook.
77 Mass and Collision Demonstration Observe the following demonstration of two carts of different mass moving down the ramps simultaneously. What do you notice about the cart’s speeds? Record your answer in your notebook.
77 Mass and Collision Review the procedure Discuss with your groups, and record in your science notebooks, the variables in the experiment.
77 Mass and Collision Complete the procedure Use “Science Skills Student Sheet 5, “Elements of Good Experimental Design,” to help you write your procedure.
77 Mass and Collision SCORING GUIDE: Designing Investigations
77 Mass and Collision What was your average distance values for each cart’s mass? Share your results with the class.
77 Mass and Collision Analysis question 1 Did the mass of the cart affect the collision? Explain how you know this.
77 Mass and Collision Analysis question 2 Why do you think mass did or did not have the effect you predicted?
77 Mass and Collision Analysis question 3 What part(s) of the experimental design: a.increase your confidence in the data? b.decrease your confidence in the data?
77 Mass and Collision Analysis question 4 If your car were in a collision, would you rather be hit by Vehicle 1 (2,027 kg) or Vehicle 2 (1,415 kg) from Activity 73? Explain.
77 Mass and Collision In this activity, you should have found that the higher the mass the larger the potential force the cart can apply How does this apply to an accident between a large truck and a passenger vehicle? Explain. Share your ideas with the class.
77 Mass and Collision Does the mass of an object affect the force it applies during a collision?
77 Mass and Collision Key vocabulary definitions Acceleration - The rate at which an object changes speed and/or direction. Controlled variable - A variable in an investigation or experiment that is held constant. Deceleration - The process of slowing down or stopping.
77 Mass and Collision Key vocabulary definitions Force - A push or pull. Mass – The amount of matter in an object or system.
77 Mass and Collision Key vocabulary definitions Tested variable - A variable that is changed in a systematic way in an experiment or investigation in order to determine its effect. Variable - A factor in a scientific experiment that can vary.
77 Mass and Collision Key vocabulary definitions Weight - The vertical force exerted by a mass as a result of gravity.