Arkansas Emergency Medical Services for Children Program Arkansas Department of Health Section of EMS & Trauma Systems 5800 W. 10 th Street, Suite 800 Little Rock, AR FY 2009 – FY 2010 Program Overview
Arkansas EMSC Program Staff EMSC Program Principal Investigator Brian Nation EMSC Program Manager Addie Grigsby-Roshell EMSC Medical Director Vacant EMSC Family Representative Vacant
Contents Background Program Mission Program Status Program Goals Performance Measures State Program Goals EMSC Activities EMSC Advisory Committee
EMSC Background 1984 the U.S. Congress enacted legislation authorizing the use of federal funds for EMSC The Health Resource and Services Administration (HRSA) funds the EMSC Program through a State Partnership (SP) Grant States and U.S. Territories are eligible to apply for SP grants. State governments and accredited schools of medicine are the only qualified applicants. EMSC is ideally located in State EMS offices.
EMSC Mission Statement The EMSC Program is designed to reduce child and youth mortality and morbidity resulting from severe illness or trauma. It aims to: 1. Ensure that state-of-the-art emergency medical care for the ill or injured child and adolescent is available when needed. 2. Ensure that pediatric services are well integrated into the existing state emergency medical services (EMS) system and backed by optimal resources. 3. Ensure that the entire spectrum of emergency services, including primary prevention of illness and injury, acute care and rehabilitation, is provided to children and adolescents at the same level as adults.
EMSC Program Status The Arkansas EMSC Program received an Award Letter from the EMSC National Resource Center (NCR) on the March 1, 2009 granting funds for the 2009 – 2010 fiscal year. The Wakefield Act HR 479 would authorized federal funding for the next 5 years; however, this bill has not become law…more information to come as provided by our national office.
Program Goals (Performance Measures) HRSA requires grantees to report on specific performance measures related to their grant-funded activities. Purpose of EMSC State Partnership Performance Measures: * demonstrate national outcome * improve the delivery of emergency care to children.
Summary of Performance Measures On/Offline Medical Direction Pediatric Equipment on Patient Care Units Hospital Recognition for Trauma/Medical Emergencies Interfacility Transfer Guidelines/Transfer Agreements Pediatric Education Requirements during Recertification EMSC Advisory Committee with Required Members Pediatric Representation on EMS Board Full time EMSC Manager Integration of Priorities into State’s Statues, Rules, Regulations or other Policy
Arkansas EMSC Program Goals Recruit / Hire Medical Director Reviewing Ambulance Equipment Hosting / Sponsoring Pediatric Medical Emergency Training Improve EMS Data Activities Improve Community Disaster Preparedness for Children Improve/Develop Pediatric Protocol and Guidelines
EMSC Activities EMSC Advisory Meetings (schedule attached) National EMSC Day – Wednesday, May 21, 2009 Annual EMSC Program Meeting – June 9 –12, 2009 Alexandria, VA National EMSC Data Analysis Resource Center (NEDARC) Workshops EMSC Sponsored / Hosted PEPP Training
EMSC Advisory Committee Grant Principal Investigator Brian Nation EMSC Program Manager Addie Grigsby-Roshell State EMS Administrator David Taylor State EMS Administrator Raymond New Emergency Physician / Pediatrician Dr. Tonya Thompson Emergency Physician / Pediatrician Dr. James Graham Emergency Physician / Pediatrician Dr. Mary Aikens Emergency Nurse Christine Duellman EMT Garry Odom EMS Training Manager Danny Bercher School Nurse Margo Bushmiaer Highway Traffic Safety Administrator Bridget White State Hospital Association Representative Don Adams
Emergency Medical Services for Children How Are The Children?
Emergency Medical Services for Children The Children are fine!!!
EMSC Questions????? & Answers