Getting inside the mind of an employer Phil O’Reilly Business NZ Association of Supported Employment in NZ
Who’s on the employer’s mind? 2 people
What about the workers??
The good news There’s an obvious way for an employee to be excellent…
Questions for you 1.Who are your shareholders 2.Who are your customers
Win-win (1) Helping your clients find employment Helping them focus on their employer’s customers & shareholders
Win-win (2) The employer also wins from caring for employees
I learned that... Customers come in all shapes, sizes, colours…staff should too Every individual different Everyone can contribute Attitudes start at the top
Diversity pays Differently abled workers can bring business success Committed employees go the extra mile Employers who get it right – get staff strengths untapped by other firms
Doing it right A person first Capabilities Equal expectations
Hiring No different treatment Focus on job Fair interview techniques
Job fit Where best suited Technology Train managers & employees Skills
Company culture Shortlists Expectations of managers Affirmation
No-no’s Doing it for show (makes it harder for the employee to care about the customer & stakeholder) Hiring for other than commercial reasons
The challenge Commitment at the top Culture Best practice Modelling appropriate behaviour & language Being open Working with agencies
2 more questions How well do we know our customers How can we know them better