For learning and competence CHANCES – Developing career counselling services to prevent exclusion of young people Kirjoittajan nimi Tilaisuuden nimi Päiväys/
2 For learning and competence CHANCES – Developing career counselling services to prevent exclusion of young people Development project ( ) funded under the EQUAL Community Initiative programme of the ESF Coordinator is the Finnish National Board of Education Partner organisations: Institute for Educational Research and Department of Teacher Education of University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä Vocational Institute, University of Joensuu (= 4 subprojects) Cooperation with the Career guidance development project of the Finnish National Board of Education, i.e. 13 regional projects
3 For learning and competence CHANCES – Developing career counselling services to prevent exclusion of young people CHANCES-project aims at - DEVELOPING guidance and counselling services that are provided in multiprofessional and cross-sectoral cooperation and CREATING new tools to prevent social exclusion of young people from the labour market - INNOVATING new training models and good practices that can be applied nationally and internationally - PROMOTING understanding and recognition of indi- vidual needs for educational and vocational guidance and counselling from a gender- and culture-sensitive perspective
4 For learning and competence CHANCES – Developing career counselling services to prevent exclusion of young people The subprojects of the CHANCES project are - Provision of guidance and counselling services in network and multiprofessional cooperation to support students at risk of social exclusion - Multiprofessional cooperation to support the integration of immigrants into working life - Developing career guidance of young people with special needs - Learning partnership in guidance and counselling processes and gender
5 For learning and competence CHANCES – Developing career counselling services to prevent exclusion of young people TARGET GROUPS are experts within education, employment, social and health care authorities DEVELOPMENT MEASURES ARE TARGETED AT - young people outside of formal education systems and at risk of social exclusion - students with special needs - immigrants and ethnic minority groups
6 For learning and competence CHANCES – Developing career counselling services to prevent exclusion of young people In the CHANCES-project guidance and counselling is seen as a means to - prevent exclusion - shorten the time spent in education and training - raise educational standards - increase social equality between men and women -> MAIN AIM IS TO SUPPORT YOUNG PEOPLE IN CONTINUING IN EDUCATION AND TRAINING AFTER COMPULSORY EDUCATION
7 For learning and competence CHOICES – Cooperation between European EQUAL projects The Finnish CHANCES-project cooperates with projects from Denmark, Italy and Spain funded under the EQUAL programme International development work focuses on MULTI- CULTURAL and GENDER-SENSITIVE COUNSELLING OBJECTIVE: to create methods for guidance and counselling of young people at risk of social exclusion and for promotion of equality between men and women in the labour market
8 For learning and competence CHOICES – Cooperation between European EQUAL projects The goals of the CHOICES cooperation are to - identify differences and similarities in the position of minority youth in the labour market in the participating countries - compare and analyse guidance and counselling practices targeted at groups with special needs - develop guidance methods to encourage boys and girls to choose careers that do not follow traditional gender divisions - disseminate results at national level
9 For learning and competence CHOICES – Cooperation between European EQUAL projects Concrete results of the European cooperation will include - a research report - good practices guide - newsletters - exchanges of experts - a thematic seminar to disseminate results in May or June 2007
10 For learning and competence More information about CHANCES-project and CHOICES-cooperation: Mr Mika Launikari Project Coordinator Finnish National Board of Education P.O.Box 380 FIN Helsinki Tel GSM