At the Dinner Table
Warming Up
Check You Answers [ ʃ ] [u:] [i:] [o:] [e] [ ɔ ] she soup tea or lemon coffee shoe pool please four egg hot fish juice meal corn bread orange
Let’s Sing a Song
Interview TASTES DIFFER Name Food Apples Bananas Eggs Fish Cheese Hot dogs Ice cream Jelly Ketchup Lettuce
What are they doing?
What are they doing
Read and Learn! Pass [pas] Pass me the cup of milk, please. Can you pass me my bag, please? Some [s ʌ m] Pass me some sugar, please? Can I have some juice, please? Enjoy [n’d ʒɔ ] We enjoy our meals. Meal [mi:l] I have four meals a day: breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper.
Pronunciation Pass me some salt, please. Here you are. Thanks. Some bread, Vicky? Yes, please.
New Grammar a / an egg tomato apple lemon orange banana onion some juice water milk tea coffee sugar salt soup bread salad
Play the Dialogue
Write the Exercise
Thanks a Lot! See You!