Proximity Location, location, location. Close to me > if it happens across the world Example: A dance at your school is more interesting than a dance at another school.
Prominence How well known are the people in the story? Well-known = higher interest Example: If the student body president is involved in a rescue operation, it is interesting just because of who it is.
Timeliness Happening NOW = more impact Happened last week = less impact This is usually the most important news element. Example: A snowstorm shutting down most of the town would be important when it happens.
Oddity Unusual? Might be enough to make it newsworthy… Example: A skunk spraying classrooms on campus would be unusual.
Consequence Impacts your audience directly = they want to know about it Example: If the street in front of the school will be closed for resurfacing during Homecoming Week, that would be news.
Conflict A disagreement, argument, fight or rivalry = audience is interested Example: Stories about cross town football games are usually popular among readers.
Human interest Make you feel angry? Sad? Happy? Another emotion? Do you find yourself caring about the people involved? Probably a human interest story Example: Reading how a student has overcome a handicap can be interesting.
Suspense Wanting to know what happens next = enough to keep the audience engaged Example: Whether a person is rescued or not from a burning building is an example of suspense.
Although there are eight news elements, most stories are made up of more than one element.
What elements are present in the following situations?
1. Terrorists in Lima hold 200 people hostage.
2. A whale swims the wrong way in a channel and is trapped. The nation is captivated by its struggle.
3. Tomorrow is the first day of fall.
4. A former president of the United States dies.
5. A man bumps his head, recovers from amnesia, and returns to the wife he left fifteen years earlier.
6. The local high school basketball team wins the state championship.
7 A lost cat returns home safely.
8. An Academy Award-winning actress sues her husband for divorce.
9. The Republican National Convention opens.
10. One of your classmates is volunteering at the hospital and is working with sick children.
11. A local man celebrates his 100 th birthday.
12. A young woman from your hometown is named homecoming queen at State University 200 miles away.
13. A fight breaks out among players during a hockey game.
14. The City Council passes a resolution demanding that the federal government balance the budget.
15. A girl of seven is enrolled in a high-school math class.