Wonder of the year 2010 Only presented 3 events here
The Mayas were Central American Indians whose great civilisation was destroyed by the Spanish. They lived in an area which includes parts of modern-day Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras and southern Mexico. The Mayan civilisation was far advanced in some fields, notably astronomy, architecture, sculpture and heiroglyphic writing. They also had a sophisticated calendar that is called the Mayan Long Count Calendar. Mayan Long Count Calendar ends on 21 st december, There are a variety of popular beliefs about the year These beliefs range from the spiritually transformative to the apocalyptic, and center upon various interpretations of the Long Count calendar. Contemporary scientists have disputed the apocalyptic versions.
Our Home Galaxy: Milky Way Galactic Alignment
[Xibalba; The Dark Road]
On December 21, 2012, the sun will appear to cross both the middle of the dark rift at central bulge and the galactic equator. You Tube Link: Galactic Alignment in