Ancient Mayan Civilization
Who were the Ancient Maya? n Native American nations –“The Maya”- best known group n Map –Yucatán, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador
Economy n Agriculture - basis –Maize, beans, squash and cacao n Currency –Cacao beans –Copper
Mayan Calendar n Highly complex and accurate n Based on the sun’s zenith n 365 days
Pyramidal Mounds n Cut stone blocks n Temples n Grouped around plazas
Pyramidal Mounds n Decorative interiors/exteriors –Friezes/masonry –Sculpture and mosaics
Mayan Language n Maya (Yucatec) n Spoken 350,000 today n Related languages & dialects –Chol, Chuj and Pokomam
Mayan Writing n Carved and painted n Hieroglyphic notation n Recorded mythology n Rituals
Formative Period n Approximately 1500 BC n Origins unclear n Conflicting archeological evidence
Classic Period n AD n Uniform civilization throughout region n Peak of civilization n Great ceremonial centers –Palenque, Tikal and Copán
Post Classic Period n 900 AD - 16th century n Mayan centers mysteriously abandoned –900 AD n Migration to Yucatán
Post Classic Period n Civilization centered at Yucatán n Toltec migration influenced art styles n Prominent cities included –Chichén Itzá and Mayapán
Civil War & Revolution n Mayapán peace disrupted by war n Cities abandoned n Spanish conquest in 16th century –Last Mexican government conquest in 1901