FOOT AND Mouth Disease UK 2007 August and September Outbreaks August and September Outbreaks Epidemiology Epidemiology Zones and surveillance activity Zones and surveillance activity Work undertaken Work undertaken Key Lessons Key Lessons
Disease Epidemics in UK 1967Foot and Mouth/ Cattle 1 HerdIsle of Wight Spread from France 2000 Swine Fever /19 Pig herdsEast England 2001 Foot and Mouth DiseaseEngland Scotland and Wales 2006H P Avian Influenza /Wild Swan Fife, Scotland incidental finding 2006 L P Avian Influenza/PoultryNorfolk, England 2007 HP Avian influenza Turkeys England 2007 LP Avian Influenza/PoultryConwy N Wales 2007 L P Avian Influenza/Poultry England – related to above 2007HP Avian Influenza/TurkeysNorfolk England 2007 BluetongueSouth East England 2007 Foot and MouthSouth East England 2008H P Avian Influenza/ wild duck Dorset England Found on Reserve 2008HP Avian Influenza/PoultryOxfordshire England
FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE 2007 Premises 1Confirmed Friday 3rdAugust Lesions 3 – 9 days old First lesions on 26 th July Start Source Tracing – 14 days = 12 th July End Source Tracing - 1 st lesions = 26 th July Start Spread Tracing – 22nd July End Spread Tracing – 6th August
FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE 2007 Virus identified a Type O 1 B.F.S. Immediate movement ban susceptible species Impose TCZ - 1Km Impose Protection Zone - 3Km Impose Surveillance Zone - 10 Km
FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE 2007 Infected Premises 2 Surveillance in PZ on 6 th August Lesions 1 – 7 days Earliest date 1 st lesion – 31st July Start of Source tracing – 31 st July – 14d = 17 th July End of Source Tracing 31 st July Start of Spread tracing – 2 nd Aug - 7d = 27 th July End of Spread tracing – End prelim C&D = 9 Aug
FMD - August 2007 – IP1, IP2 & Pirbright PZ & SZ Work undertaken Slaughter of Infected Premises / Dangerous Contacts / Slaughter on Suspicion PZ Clinical Inspection of Pigs (Daily) PZ Clinical Inspections of Cattle (2 day cycle) PZ Clinical Inspections and Bleed in Sheep & Goats (2 day cycle for clinical and bled once at 95/5) Premises Visited 82 Samples Taken SpeciesNumber sampled Sheep & Goats 1,606
Surveillance Blood Sampling Sheep
BUT THEN NEW DISEASE 12 September - Report case September – Surveillance finding IPs 3,4,5 Start of source tracing th August LDCC reopened WHERE HAS DISEASE BEEN FOR 2 WEEKS?
Timelines for IPs 3,4,5 IP 3a IP 3b IP 4 IP 5
Blood Sampling Cattle
Relationship of all September Cases IP 3 b IP 4 b IP 5 IP 6 b IP 7 IP 8 IP 3c
Protection Zone Work Work undertaken Slaughter of Infected Premises / Dangerous Contacts / Slaughter on Suspicion PZ Clinical Inspection of Pigs (Daily) PZ Clinical Inspections of Cattle (2 days cycle) PZ Clinical Inspection & Bleed in Sheep & Goats (Weekly at 100%) Premises Visited 88 SpeciesSamples taken Cattle10, 778 Sheep10, 455 Goats323
Intensive Patrol Area Work undertaken Daily Clinical Inspection / Examination of Cattle. Cattle Sampling (every two days at 100%) Number of holdings with Cattle Total Number of cattle sampled 81,900
ESA Area 1–3 Holdings with Cattle Number Sampled ESA1571,777 ESA ESA3a681,957 ESA3b881,660 ESA4 Number of premise s Cattle Sampled Sheep Sample d Goats Sample d Total Sampled ESA 1-4 Sampled 6750 FMD - September 2007 – Enhance Surveillance Area (ESA) 9 September to 18 October
Work undertaken Cattle Sampling (at 100%) AA Area 1–4 Holdings with Cattle Number Sampled AA1467 AA27403 AA3602,021 AA43130 Total2,621 FMD - September 2007 – Additional Assurance (AA) Surveillance Area 16 October – 2 November
FMD August & September Statistical Data
FMD September Stock Checks and Foot Patrols Stock Checks and Foot Patrols Completed 1km² Tiled Foot Patrolled 214 Premises Stock Checks - to Verify No Stock 941
Statistical sampling of cattle premises 20 – 30km, 30 – 40km, 40 – 90km & 90 – 150km Additional Surveillance (AS)
FMD - September 2007 – Additional Surveillance (AS) Guildford LDCC [20km – 150 km – Epi Selection] kmHoldings with susceptible stock 20-30km km km34 Total136 Work underway Sampling of sheep, goats and cattle (at 95/5).
Resource at the LDCC - August to November
FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE 2007 REVIEW BY Dr IAN ANDERSON 26 Recommendations Highlights Significantly better handled than 2001 Multi Agency Approach Improvement Stakeholder Engagement Better Communications Movement licences prepared in advance.
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