22 In-Text Art, p. 650 Ethylene PP5e-ITA-22-p650-0.jpg
Figure 22.5 The triple response in Arabidopsis PP5e-Fig-22-05-0.jpg
Figure 22.1 Triple response of etiolated pea seedlings PP5e-Fig-22-01-0.jpg
Figure 22.2 Ethylene biosynthetic pathway and the Yang cycle PP5e-Fig-22-02-1.jpg
Figure 22.3 ACC concentrations, ACC oxidase activity, and ethylene during ripening of apples PP5e-Fig-22-03-0.jpg
Figure 22.4 Two inhibitors that block ethylene binding to its receptor PP5e-Fig-22-04-0.jpg
Figure 22.6 Screen for the etr1 mutant of Arabidopsis PP5e-Fig-22-06-0.jpg
Figure 22.9 Screen for Arabidopsis mutants that constitutively display the triple response PP5e-Fig-22-09-0.jpg
Figure 22.20 Schematic view of the roles of auxin and ethylene during leaf abscission PP5e-Fig-22-20-0.jpg
Figure 22.19 Effect of ethylene on abscission in birch (Betula pendula) PP5e-Fig-22-19-0.jpg
Figure 22.17 Inhibition of flower senescence by inhibition of ethylene action PP5e-Fig-22-17-0.jpg
Figure 22.11 Ethylene production and respiration PP5e-Fig-22-11-0.jpg
Figure 22.7 Schematic diagram of five ethylene receptor proteins and their functional domains PP5e-Fig-22-07-0.jpg
Figure 22.8 Model for ethylene receptor action based on the phenotype of receptor mutants PP5e-Fig-22-08-0.jpg
Figure 22.8 Model for ethylene receptor action; (A) Wild type PP5e-Fig-22-08-1.jpg
Figure 22.8 Model for ethylene receptor action; (B) In the absence of ethylene PP5e-Fig-22-08-2.jpg
Figure 22.8 Model for ethylene receptor action; (C) A missense mutation PP5e-Fig-22-08-3.jpg
Figure 22.8 Model for ethylene receptor action; (D) Disruption mutations PP5e-Fig-22-08-4.jpg
Figure 22.10 Model of ethylene signaling in Arabidopsis PP5e-Fig-22-10-0.jpg
Figure 22.10 Model of ethylene signaling in Arabidopsis PP5e-Fig-22-10-1.jpg
Figure 22.13 Amounts of ACC in the xylem sap and ethylene production in the petiole PP5e-Fig-22-13-0.jpg
Figure 22.16 Promotion of root hair formation by ethylene in lettuce seedlings PP5e-Fig-22-16-0.jpg
Figure 22.18 Formation of the abscission layer of jewelweed (Impatiens) PP5e-Fig-22-18-0.jpg
22 In-Text Art, p. 667 Ethephon releases ethylene slowly by a chemical reaction PP5e-ITA-22-p667-0.jpg