1 BIBLICAL AUTHORITY "Applying the Principles" Text: Acts 15
2 The Scriptural Dilemma Circumcision was commanded by God Circumcision was a sign of faithfulness Circumcision had been practiced for thousands of years Circumcision was a matter of salvation to many Christians - Acts 15:2 The issue lead to a huge dispute - Acts 15:3, 5, 7
3 Principles of Authority Necessary inference - Acts 15:7-11 Approved (apostle) example - Acts 15:12 Direct statements/commands - Acts 15:13-21 Respect for scriptural silence - 15:24
4 God's Word is the ONLY Guide 1. Jesus spoke as He was directed by God - John 12: Holy Spirit speaks as He hears from God - John 16:13 3. All Scripture is sufficient - John 16:13-14; 2 Peter 1:3, 19-21; Jude 3 4. Do not add to God’s word – 2 John 9-11; Proverbs 30: Faith comes by hearing the word of God - Romans 10:17 6. We can only speak the oracles of God - 1 Peter 4:11 7. We must respect the written word - 1 Corinthians 4:6