OTHER DAILY SELECTIONS: Grab & Go Lunches Offered daily Entrée choices offered daily Milk Choice daily Fruit juice box offered daily Fresh and/or canned fruit offered daily SNACKS We offer a variety of a la carte snack items in our cafeteria Condiments are available with appropriate menu items. Trim: Lettuce, tomato, pickle Lettuce/ tomato Fall Break Oct 8th -9 th USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer MEAL PRICING: Lunch Full Price$2.45 Reduced Lunch Price$.40 Milk Only$.50 LUNCH Menu WEEKMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY 1 Chicken w French Fries Texas Toast Calzone & Sauce Broccoli / cheese Garden Salad Rainbow Sherbet Turkey club w/ chips & trim Domino’ Pizza Chicken on bun w/ fries & trim Buttered Corn Garden salad Choc chip cookie Chef salad Cheeseburger/FF Taco meat w/ chips, salsa &sour cream Veggie boat Refried Beans or Baked Beans Sub Combo w/ chips & trim Pizza Cheese / Pepp Buffalo Chicken w/ chips & trim Veggie Boat Garden Salad Ice cream sand Cheeseburger & French Fries Chicken / roll Mashed potatoes BBQ on bun w/ fries Green beans Slaw 2 Chicken w/ Texas toast & scalloped potatoes & Peas Cheeseburger w/onion rings & trim Garden Salad Savory Peas Sub combo w/ chips & trim Pizza choice w/ garden salad Chili & Grill Cheese /Veggies Buttered corn Chocolate Pudding Chef salad Cheeseburger w/ fries & L.T.P. Asian Chicken w/ sauce/ egg roll & rice Broccoli steamed Blueberry Jell-O Sub Combo w/ chips & trim Spaghetti w/ meat sauce & roll & garden salad Quesadilla choice w/ trim, salsa, sour cream Glazed carrots Fish on Bun w/ fries Chili dog w/ fries Bosco’s w/ sauce Garden Salad Baked beans Cole slaw 3 Chicken w Texas Toast Calzone & Sauce Broccoli / cheese Garden Salad Rainbow Sherbet Turkey club w/ chips & trim & baby carrots Domino’s Pizza Chicken on bun w/ fries & trim Buttered Corn Garden salad Choc chip cookie Chef salad Cheeseburger/FF Taco meat w/ chips, salsa &sour cream Veggie boat Refried Beans or Baked Beans Sub Combo w/ chips & trim Pizza Cheese / Pepp Buffalo Chicken w/ chips & trim Cucumber Garden Salad Ice cream sand Chicken / roll Mashed potatoes BBQ on bun w/ fries Green beans 4 Chicken w/ Texas toast & scalloped potatoes & Peas Cheeseburger w/onion rings & trim Garden Salad Savory Peas Sub combo w/ chips & trim Pizza choice w/ garden salad Chili & Grill Cheese / Veggies Buttered corn Chocolate Pudding Chef salad Cheeseburger w/ fries & L.T.P. Asian Chicken w/ sauce/ egg roll & rice Broccoli steamed Blueberry Jell-O Sub Combo w/ chips & trim Spaghetti w/ meat sauce & roll & garden salad Quesadilla choice w/ trim, salsa, sour cream Glazed carrots Fish on Bun w/ fries Chili dog w/ fries Bosco’s w/ sauce Garden Salad Baked beans Cole slaw October -December 2015 August 2015September 2015October 2015November 2015December 2015 SMTWTFSSMTWTFSSMTWTFSSMTWTFSSMTWTFS / 30 24/ Madison County High School Lunch Menu ADD SCHOOL LOGO HERE