Carleton University OnLine (CUOL)
Accessing Lectures Lectures are recorded during the on-campus section of the class. Students in the CUOL section (T or V) can access the lectures four ways -listed below. Students in the in-class section (A, C etc.) can also make use of the recorded lecture access for back-up/review purposes.
Video-On-Demand - online streaming and downloading of all available lectures anytime ($50 fee applies). To add the service, register in VOD section if you are in section T, or in AOD if you are in section A
Television Broadcast (Rogers Digital Cable Channel 243) –concurrent during the broadcast is the CUOL Webcast – streamed at the CUOL website
CUOL Student Centre: free Viewing Kiosks in D299 LA – Pay per Lecture – online rental of individual lectures, fee - $6 per lecture – The first TOD/VOD lecture is free
Exams Local students write their exams at the scheduled time on campus, including the students in the T or V sections that live within the 100 km radius. Distance students (living farther than 100 km from campus) write midterms and exams at a distance from Carleton only if they apply for this service. Otherwise distance students are expected to write all exams at Carleton. – Distance students MUST APPLY FOR DISTANCE EXAMS! For general information on exams, schedules, service charges and deadlines, and the Distance Exam application please visit:
Information and Assistance CUOL website: Video On Demand login page: CUOL Student Centre: D299 Loeb, (general (Video-on-Demand support and