國立雲林科技大學工業工程與管理所 Graduate school of Industrial Engineering & Management, National Yunlin University of Science & Technology 系統可靠度實驗室 System Reliability Lab. Brief about Systematic Innovation
System Reliability Lab., NYUST Content Classes of problem solving methods Systematic innovation Relationship between SI & TRIZ TRIZ Advantage using TRIZ TRIZ vs Traditional problem solving Conclusion
System Reliability Lab., NYUST Classes of problem solving methods Flash of genius Empiric path Methodical path
System Reliability Lab., NYUST What’s systematic innovation (SI)? 以非常有系統的方法,讓ㄧ般人員都可以系統 性創意的解決問題 其理念來自於前人及自然界 i.e. 200,000 patents 40 項發明原則 ; 衝突是創 新的機會
System Reliability Lab., NYUST Scope of SI Solving engineering problems Product improvements New product development Process improvements New process development Management & service applications Identification of business opp. & conflicts Solving management problems Training for innovative ideas & creating thinking
System Reliability Lab., NYUST Relationship between SI & TRIZ SI tools: Debono, Lateral thinking, 6 thinking head, Neuro-linguistic, Programming, Kepner Tregoe, Pugh analysis… 系統性創新是目的 ; TRIZ 示其中一種工具 TRIZ System Innovation
System Reliability Lab., NYUST What’s TRIZ Teoriya Resheniya Izobreatatelskikh Zadatch Theory of Inventive Problem Solving Genrikh Saulovich Altshuller (Father of TRIZ) proposed in 1946 over 200,000 patents researching. 15 October September 1998
System Reliability Lab., NYUST Hierarchical view of TRIZ Tool Method Philosophy IFR, S-Field, Contradiction Matrix, Inventive principles A complete problem definition/solving process Ideality resource functionality contradiction space/time/interface Excellence
System Reliability Lab., NYUST 5 Pillars of TRIZ Ideality Resource Functionality Contradiction Space-time-interface
System Reliability Lab., NYUST Samsung’s TRIZ development 1998: install the first TechOptimazer software 1999: translation of Russian to English 2000: DVD project at SAIT reported 92M USD benefit 2001: the first 2 successful projects in semiconductor product (contribute more than $ 10M and 12 patents) 2002: (1) 23 R&D projects, cost reduction $24M, 24 patents. (2) introduced to each 6-Sigma BB course 2003: $150M, 50 projects, 52 patents 2004: $ 65M, 30 projects, 64 patents; 24 new innovation master Currently: (1) has a TRIZ association. (2) 60 granted patents per month. (3) patent amount ranking the second in USA. (4) Integrate TRIZ with 6-Sigma successful
System Reliability Lab., NYUST TRIZ model of problem solving
System Reliability Lab., NYUST The TRIZ Philosophy Someone somewhere has already solved something like my problem intelligently The problems: 99.9%: something like your problem has been solved before At human interface, most people cannot see the similarity between your problem and the solved previous problem
System Reliability Lab., NYUST The TRIZ Philosophy Guide people to view the problems from different perceptive Providing solutions arise from previous existing experience Jump from current space, time, and interface
System Reliability Lab., NYUST TRIZ vs Traditional problem solving TRIZ : Compromise : Contradiction disappear
System Reliability Lab., NYUST Example of paradigm shift Which company dominates the inkjet market? Which company first invented inkjet technology? Results: Easily 50+ times smaller feature (100u <2u) Finer solution higher quality Less material cost less and cheaper
System Reliability Lab., NYUST Ideal Final Result (IFR) vs Traditional improvement The way most org. think The TRIZ approach: paradigm shift
System Reliability Lab., NYUST IFR for opportunity ID 割草機 : 很吵、耗油、不好操作 … Current solutions IFR Trace back from IFR
System Reliability Lab., NYUST Conclusion 創新是個人及企業競爭的關鍵 系統性創新能有系統地讓平常人,有機會成為 創新問題解決的能手 系統性創新是ㄧ個研究的新領域 系統性創新流程是ㄧ處女地 尚未有任何整合各工具的研究與成果
System Reliability Lab., NYUST Back-up (Training) 萃思理論與實務應用導論 問題分析與機會 / 衝突辨識 技術 / 物理矛盾與發明原則 理想性與科技系統演化 質場分析與發明標準解 創新性問題解決演譯法 應用萃思於簡約設計 軟體工具 :Matrix+ /Evopot+ /PerceptionMap+ 識庫使用 :CREAX 專利與萃思
System Reliability Lab., NYUST Thank You