A. Abinadab and Eleazar B. Joel and Abijah C. Hophni and Phinehas I Sam 8:1-2 – Who were the sons of Samuel? # 8-1.


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Presentation transcript:

A. Abinadab and Eleazar B. Joel and Abijah C. Hophni and Phinehas I Sam 8:1-2 – Who were the sons of Samuel? # 8-1

I Sam 8:1-2 – Where did the sons of Samuel judge Israel? # 8-2 A. In Mizpah B. In Beersheba C. In Ramah

I Sam 8:3 – The sons of Samuel _____? # 8-3 A. Did not walk in his ways B. Followed the ways of God C. Followedthe ways of the Philistines

I Sam 8:3 – The sons of Samuel “turned aside after dishonest gain, took bribes, and _________”? # 8-4 A. “destroyed justice” B. “upheld justice” C. “perverted justice”

I Sam 8:4 - Who gathered together & came to Samuel ? # 8-5 A. The priests of Israel B. The elders of Israel C. The lords of the Philistines

I Sam 8:5 – What did the elders of Israel tell Samuel to do? # 8-6 A. Make them a king to judge them B. Make his sons stop judging them C. To be their king & judge them

I Sam 8:6 – When the people asked for a king, Samuel was ______? # 8-7 A. Angered B. Relieved C. Displeased

I Sam 8:6 – What did Samuel do when the people asked for a king? # 8-8 A. Granted their request B. Prayed to the Lord C. Asked to be alone

I Sam 8:7 – What did the Lord tell Samuel to do? # 8-9 A. “Heed the voice of the people” B. “Pray for the people” C. “Reject the people”

I Sam 8:7 – Who had the people of Israel rejected? # 8-10 A. Samuel’s sons B. Samuel C. The Lord

I Sam 8:8 – What had the people of Israel done since the Lord brought them out of Egypt? # 8-11 A. Always served the Lord & no other Gods B. Forsaken Him & served other gods C. Worshipped only God

I Sam 8:9 – The Lord told Samuel to heed the people’s voice and to ______? # 8-12 A. Forewarn them about the Philistines B. Tell them everything will be good C. Solemnly forewarn them

I Sam 8:11 – Who will the king appoint to be his horsemen and run before his chariots? # 8-13 A. The young men of Israel B. The sons of Israel C. The aged men of Israel

I Sam 8:13 – Who will the king take to be perfumers, cooks, and bakers? # 8-14 A. The elderly women of Israel B. The adult women of Israel C. The daughters of Israel

I Sam 8:14 – What will the king give to his servants? # 8-15 A. Their best sheep, cattle, & goats B. Their best fields, vineyards, & olive groves C. Their best robes, garments, & shoes

I Sam 8:18 – Samuel told the people on the day they cry out because of their king, __? # 8-16 A. The Lord will not hear them B. The Lord will deliver them C. The Lord will strike the king

I Sam 8:19-20 – Why did the people want a king over them? # 8-17 A. Because Samuel could no longer judge B. They thought a king was a good idea C. To be like the nations around them

I Sam 8:21-22 – After repeating the words of the people to the Lord, the Lord told Samuel to ______? # 8-18 A. “Make everyone go home” B. “Make an altar for Me” C. “Make them a king”