Soft. Eng. I, Spring 2007Dr Driss Kettani, from I. Sommerville1 CSC-3324: Chapter 3 Title: The Feasibility study Mandatory reading: I. Sommerville, Section 7.1
Soft. Eng. I, Spring 2007Dr Driss Kettani, from I. Sommerville2 Wrap up... What is Software Engineering (SE) ? The major goal of SE is to produce good software cost effectively… What is good software? In order to produce good software, we need to follow a good SE process… What is a good process? Some SE process models are widely used and universally recognized… Software engineering is concerned with theories, methods and tools for professional software development Maintainability, Dependability, Efficiency, Usability Understandable, Visible, Supported, Accepted, Reliable, Rapid, etc. Structured set of activities (steps) required to develop a software system.... The waterfall model Separate and distinct phases of specification and development Prototyping development Specification and development are interleaved Component-based development The system is assembled from existing components
Soft. Eng. I, Spring 2007Dr Driss Kettani, from I. Sommerville3 The feasibility study...
Soft. Eng. I, Spring 2007Dr Driss Kettani, from I. Sommerville4 The feasibility study... No matter which SE process we want/expect to follow, we must previously perform a feasibly study in order to demonstrate: The business opportunity; The feasibility of the project in terms of technology enablers and schedule constraints… Our global understanding of the requirements and our confidence in a future better understanding… Must be quick and cheap... Typically in Morocco, it is about 10M/D, Dhs… Depends on the context…
Soft. Eng. I, Spring 2007Dr Driss Kettani, from I. Sommerville5 The feasibility study... The formal deliverable of the feasibility study is a document that contains at least the following information: An overview of the clients requirements; How the projected system will help... The feasibility of the project with respect to our expertise... The feasibility of the project with respect to the available of technology enablers... The Business opportunity for our company... A formal Go (or Stop)... An expected schedule…
Soft. Eng. I, Spring 2007Dr Driss Kettani, from I. Sommerville6 Important issues to check... What are current problems? How will the proposed system help? What will be the integration problems? (Current and projected systems) Is new technology needed? What skills? Users... Budget... Schedule...
Soft. Eng. I, Spring 2007Dr Driss Kettani, from I. Sommerville7 Homework and deliverable for next week Find out in the web the standard layout and contents of the feasibility report for the following organizations (only one) and use it in the FOD of your project: DoD: The US Department of Defense; S.E.I.: The Software Engineering Institute (Carnegie Mellon U.); C.S.E.: The Center of Software Engineering (U. of Southern California. Your feasibility and orientation report due on Feb. 12 th 2007