PPP Legal & Regulatory Framework
PPP Policy In July 2008 GOK approved the PPP policy directive through which: PPPs are identified as a method for investing in public infrastructure and services It is required that each project needs to have a VfM analyses, risk sharing and public interest protection Implementation of PPP projects through competitive, fair and transparent procedures.
PPP Legal Framework October 2005 – Law on Procedure for the Award of Concessions (No. 02/L-44) August 2009 – Law on PPP and Concessions in Infrastructure and Procedures for their Award (No.03/L-090) December 2011 – Law on PPP (No. 04/L-045)
In order to facilitate the work of the Contracting Authorities the PPPC has adopted the following directives: On Procedures for the Review and Approval of PPP Projects On Project Management Teams On the Review and Approval of Municipal PPP For Publications of PPP Notices PPP Legal Framework
Law on PPP No. 04/L-045 PPP Law: Identifies the authorities who can initiate PPP Procedures for the award of PPPs Institutions responsible for managing PPPs The content and structure of the draft documents
Definition of PPP PPP - any contractual or institutional cooperation between one or more Public Authorities and one or more Private Partners whereby the PP: 1.provides a public service or a public infrastructure, 2.assumes financial, technical, construction and operational risks, including demand and/or availability risks, 3.receives a benefit: from the budget of the CA charges or fees collected from users Or a combination
Scope of the law transport; energy infrastructure, excluding the construction of new energy generation capacities; oil pipeline, gas pipeline, refinement and distribution; water, sewage, drainage, irrigation, channels; collection, disposal, recycling and management of waste; telecommunication; education; sport and recreation; health; tourism and culture
This Law regulates Contractual and Institutional PPP’s PPP Tendering procedures for Concession’s are regulated through the PPP law Whereas the procedures for PPP in Public Contract form are regulated through the Public Procurement law PPP Modalities
Contractual PPPs : 1.Concession Works concession Service concession A combination of the above 2.Public Contract PP provides a public infrastructure or service PP assumes financial, technical, construction and/or operational responsibilities and risks PP receives regular payments from the CA
PPP Modalities Institutional PPP An Institutional PPP may be established by a Municipality by the acquisition of shares owned by such Municipality in an existing POE the sole purpose of which is the performance of a public service or a public infrastructure, provided that the private partner also participates in the management of such POE, or participates in the provision
Duration of PPP projects PPP duration of a contract is determined by: life cycle of the public infrastructure, rate of return, and value for money of each individual PPP project With the approval of the PPPC, CA can extend the duration of the agreement for an additional period which can not exeed more than ¼ of the initial duration of the original agreement
The Public Private Partnerships Committee oversees and coordinates all PPP projects in all economic and social sectors Permanent PPPC Members: Minister of Finance (chairman of the Committee) Minister of Infrastructure Minister of Trade and Industry Minister of Economic Development Prime Ministers representative Temporary PPPC Members: Representative of the Public Authority who will act as a Contracting Authority (ex officio) Institutional Framework
Director of the PPP Department Financial SectorLegal SectorTechnical Sector Public Relation Sector PPP Committee Institutional Framework PPP Department Organization
PPPC Development and management of the national PPP program and general PPP policies; Issuance of regulations; Issuance of Decisions for Public Authorities in order to ensure the proper implementation of the law; Review and approve/disaprove PPP project proposals on the basis of VfM and other considerations of public interest;
PPPC Approval or disapproval of Economic support for Projects; oversight and review of performance compliance and project execution; review and approval of proposed amendments and modifications to Agreements on the basis of value-for-money and similar considerations
PPP Committee responsibilities: Advise on PPP’s to Public Authorities; Recommendations on PPP legal framework, regulatory, institutional and PPP policies; Development and publication on procedures and standards, based on best international practices; Review and recomenadtion to PPP Committee and Public Authorities on PPP proposed projects; Institutional Framework
Central PPP Department responsibilities: Advise on PPP’s to Public Authorities; Recommendations on PPP legal framework, regulatory, institutional and PPP policies; Development and publication on procedures and standards, based on best international practices; Review and recomenadtion to PPP Committee and Public Authorities on PPP proposed projects; Institutional Framework
PPP Projects may be identified, proposed and initiated: Public Authorities PPP Committee PPP Department PPP Project identification All PPP projects are subject to written formal approval by the PPPC before initiating PPP tendering procedures PPPC may approve or refuse a PPP project after careful review of: Feasibility study Related draft documents (RFQ, RFP and draft contract) and PPP Department recommendation
Pre-qualifications Publishing of Request for Qualifications – 20 days min Potential bidders have to meet the criteria's set in the RFQ: Legal Economical and financial, and Technical and professional Procedures on Request for Qualification
Request for Proposal may be developed in one or two phases – 40 days min. And it shopud contain at least the following: General Information; Project specific information and performance indicators; Agreement conditions (negotiable and non-negotiable); Proposal Review criteria; Tender security; Proof of fulfilling the qualification criteria Procedures on Request for Proposal
After an appeal the PPP Agreement is not valid if Procurement Review Body decides that it is not within the laws and respective procedures. Supreme Court may overrule such decision if: the agreement has been fulfilled completely or considerably, and decides that negative impact may exceed the potential benefits Appeal process and review by PRB
PHASE 1: PRE- FEASIBILITY STUDY PHASE 2: FEASIBILITY STUDY, DRAFT CONTRACT & DRAFT TENDER DOCUMENTS PHASE 3: IMPLEMENTING THE PPP TENDER PROCESS PHASE 4: PPP CONTRACT MANAGEMENT & PERFORMANCE MONITORING Select Candidate PP Projects & Prepare Pre-Feasibility Study Conduct PPP Feasibility Study Prepare Draft PPP Contract Prepare Draft PPP Tender Documents Implementing the PPP Tender Process Manage PPP Contract & Monitor PPP Performance Submit Qualifications & Proposals Deliver Required PPP Project Review of Pre- Feasibility Study Review by PPP Department Contract Review by PPP Department Approval / Disapproval by PPP Committee Contract Approval / Disapproval by PPP Committee PRIVATE SECTOR PUBLIC AUTHORITY PPP DEPARTMENT PPP COMMITTEE PPP Project Cycle
PHASE 1: PRE- FEASIBILITY STUDY PHASE 2 PHASE 3 PHASE 4 Select Candidate PP Projects & Prepare Pre-Feasibility Study Review of Pre-Feasibility Study PRIVATE SECTOR PUBLIC AUTHORITY PPP DEPARTMENT PPP COMMITTEE PPP Project Cycle
PHASE 1 PHASE 2: FEASIBILITY STUDY, DRAFT CONTRACT & DRAFT TENDER DOCUMENTS PHASE 3: PHASE 4 Conduct PPP Feasibility Study Prepare Draft PPP Contract Prepare Draft PPP Tender Documents Review by PPP Department Approval / Disapproval by PPP Committee PRIVATE SECTOR PUBLIC AUTHORITY PPP DEPARTMENT PPP COMMITTEE PPP Project Cycle
PHASE 1: PHASE 2 PHASE 3: IMPLEMENTING THE PPP TENDER PROCESS PHASE 4 Implementing the PPP Tender Process Submit Qualifications & Proposals Contract Review by PPP Department Contract Approval / Disapproval by PPP Committee PRIVATE SECTOR PUBLIC AUTHORITY PPP DEPARTMENT PPP COMMITTEE PPP Project Cycle
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