Brocton-Westfield Merger Study Focus Group Meetings
The Essential Question Will… Creating a new school district via the merger process in NYS provide enhanced or maintained educational opportunities, enhanced or maintained educational opportunities, and at the same time increase long term efficiencies and lower costs for the taxpayers of both Brocton CSD and Westfield ACS? increase long term efficiencies and lower costs for the taxpayers of both Brocton CSD and Westfield ACS?
Timeline and Steps TIMELINE: TIMELINE: – Project began in August with the Boards’ appointment of WNYESC – Final report to SED in February 2013 – Final report to the Boards in March 2013 STEPS: STEPS: – Data and information gathering – Detailed analysis of all data – Informed recommendations, each with its own assets and/or liabilities, provided to SED and then the Boards in final report
Critical Dates Set by SED September 1, 2012 – Study begins December 15, 2012 – Advisory Committee/Consultant Work Complete February 15, 2013 – Draft of Feasibility Study to SED for review March 20, 2013 – Feasibility Study to joint Boards of Ed. May 17, 2013 – Public information and discussion activities completed May 21, 2013 – Boards of Ed. Decide to undertake statutory reorganization process June 18 or 19 – Straw vote
%# Enrollment K %- 34 Live Births 5 years prior % %- 34 Brocton Enrollments
Westfield Enrollments %# Enrollment K % +14 Live births 5 years prior % +15 Grades % - 42
Free and Reduced Lunch District# EnrolledFree/ReducedPercent Brocton632 students378 students59.8% Westfield736 students319 students43%
Population By Ethnicity (%) BroctonWestfield White Black Amer. Indian Asian Other Race or more Total Population (2000) Brocton: 5,404Westfield: 5,509 Total Population (2009) Brocton: 4,984Westfield: 5,260
Total Households Brocton: 1,903Westfield: 2,338 Average Family Size Brocton: 2.64Westfield: 2.84 Family Households w/Children under 18 Brocton: 1,230 (64.6%) Westfield:1,398(59.8%) Median Household Income Brocton: $38,092 Westfield: $33,320
Occupation of the Employed Population (%) BRWF Management &Professional Service Sales and Office Farming, Fishing, Forestry Construction, Maintenance Production, Transportation
Top Employment By Industry Education, Health care and Social Assistance Brocton: 28.9%Westfield: 28.1% Manufacturing Brocton: 18.5%Westfield: 11.2% Retail Trade Brocton: 13.6%Westfield: 11.3%
FINANCIAL OUTLOOK Brocton and Westfield School Districts’ FINANCIAL OUTLOOK TO
Brocton Central Expenditure Projections Expenditures:App Proj Proj Proj Proj Proj yrs Proj Differences General Support$1,691,663$1,725,496$1,760,006$1,795,206$1,831,110 $ 1,867, % Instruction$6,784,083$6,919,765$7,058,160$7,199,323$7,343,310 $ 7,490, % Transportation$584,911$602,458$620,532$639,148$658,322 $ 678, % Community Service$0 $ - Employee Benefits$3,220,808$3,542,889$3,897,178$4,286,895$4,715,585 $ 5,139, % Debt Service$1,883,042$1,864,212$1,845,569$1,827,114$1,808,843 $ 1,790, % Total Expenditures$14,164,507$14,654,820$15,181,445$15,747,686$16,357,170 $ 16,966, %
Brocton Central Revenue Projections Revenues:App Proj Proj Proj Proj Proj yrs Proj Differences State Aid$10,671,873$10,957,120$11,285,833$11,624,408$11,882,114 $ 12,143, % Other Revenues$289,367$292,261$295,183$298,135$310,116 $ 322, % Property Tax$3,203,267$3,267,332$3,332,679$3,399,333$3,467,319 $ 3,536, % Appr Fund Bal & Res$0 $ - Total Revenues$14,164,507$14,516,713$14,913,695$15,321,876$15,659,549 $ 16,004, % Projected Deficit$0($138,107)($267,750)($425,810)($697,621) $ (962,664) Remaining FB & Res$1,114,652$976,545$708,795$282,985$0 $ -
Westfield Central Expenditure Projection
Westfield Central Revenue Projection
Brocton’s Budget Reductions
Staff reductions – 6.75 teachers, 2.5 support staff = $513,128 Elective offerings - $125,404 Athletic offerings - $ 54,327 Extra-curricular offerings - $11,453 Educational field trips - $10,300 Classroom equipment and supplies - $74,437 Library and technology services - $79,079 Building repair and maintenance - $79,079 BOCES services - $218,000 Total Reductions – $1,170,128 Westfield Academy Reductions