Gender Inequality Dec 1-3, 2014
Jobs with highest percent women Speech-language pathologists98.1 Dental hygienists97.7 Preschool and kindergarten teachers97.6 Dental assistants96.3 Secretaries and administrative assistants 96.1 Occupational therapists95.9 Child care workers95.6 Medical records and health information technicians95.0 Receptionists and information clerks 93.6
Jobs with lowest percent women mechanics1.1 Logging workers 1.0 Electricians 1.0 Tool and die makers 1.0 Structural iron and steel workers 0.9 Bus and truck mechanics 0.9 Millwrights 0.9 Brickmasons and stonemasons0.4 Cement masons0.0 Security alarm systems installers 0.0
Differences in pay Women earn less than men who do the same job Jobs with a large share of women pay less than “male” jobs with similar levels of skill – “Devaluing” of qualities associated with women? Comparable worth proposals – Compensating differentials? Men more willing to sacrifice other conditions for higher pay
Women and elite positions Fewer women at the top levels of most professions (“glass ceiling”) Possible explanations – Generations – child bearing/child care: effect on careers – Differences in priorities: willingness to sacrifice for “success” – Discrimination/prejudice