PARCS: Parking Authorized for Random Commuter Students Mid-Semester Presentation Senior Design I October 13, 2015
The Random Commuters Mark Ewing Electrical Engineering Team Leader Daniel Crist Electrical Engineering Connor Green Electrical Engineering
Advisor Dr. Robert Reese ECE Department Education: Ph.D., Texas A&M University, 1985 M.S., Texas A&M University, 1982 B.S., Louisiana Tech University, 1979
Overview ProblemSolutionSystem OverviewConstraints Technical Practical ApproachProgress
Problem Options for Commuters at MSU: Decal Timed parking 1 Day Permit Ineffective parking enforcement
Solution T2 Parking Solutions
Our Solution – The PARCS Meter Cheaper meter, less than $400. Easily scalable with no infrastructure necessary for installation Billable to student accounts Parking violations notify Parking Services via = No extra training for PS employees
System Overview
Technical Constraints TypeDetails Power SystemMust be independently powered and capable of processing 18 cars a day Wireless Communication Must be able to communicate with a wireless access point and adhere to wireless communication standards [1] Vehicle DetectionMust detect the presence of a vehicle on a paved parking spot and function within the environmental extreme temperatures of -10°F to 120°F. [2], [3]. The sensor needs to detect a vehicle that is between 5 inches and 5 feet away. User InterfaceMust communicate with the server to approve or deny user access within 10 seconds Violation NotificationMust notify parking services of violations within 1 minute of infraction
Practical Constraint: Ethical - Security Student account information transferred over network User account information sharing must be secure
Practical Constraint: Social - Ease of Operation Spot is unoccupied and available for parking Parking is not being charged at this time User information has been confirmed, user is being charged for time in use Spot occupied and user has not been validated ILLEGALLY OCCUPIED Authorized VACANTFREE
Approach - Microcontroller ProsCons Raspberry Pi 2 17 usable pins [4] Expandable storage Widely used platform WiFi add on Security updates No sleep mode High power consumption Imp002b Low sleep power (6 μA) Installed security and data encryption Fail-safe firmware updates Built in WiFi 12 usable pins Does not function on WPA2 Enterprise
Approach - Sensor ProsCons Passive Infrared (PIR) Low power Detection affected by temperature Detects humans Motion required for detection Ultrasonic Simple programming Aim-able Long range Cost Detects humans Data filtering needed Magnetic Large detection area Detects large ferrous objects (not-humans) Vulnerable to electrical interference Will detect nearby cars/Cannot be aimed Cost of installation
Approach – Power System TypeProsCons Solar Easily implementable Provides potentially high levels of power Requires sunlight Quality of sunlight affect energy collected Thermal Provides energy despite environmental changes Requires consistent heat source/fuel Low energy output Gravity Generates energy with vehicle weight Requires extensive mechanical design Large footprint
Power System – Voltaic Kit Package solution: solar panel, charging circuit, battery 3.5 W Panel 4000 mAh Battery Weatherproof Scratch resistant Short-circuit, over- charge, and temperature protection
High-Level Overview Solar Panel Battery Controller Battery Ultrasonic Sensor Card ReaderBackpack IMP Micro- controller Servo Motor LCD Display Server IMP Cloud
Progress Microcontroller communicates through MSU wireless network Code for LCD, Sensor, and Card Reader under development State flow diagram for user interface completed.
Timeline of Design AugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember Research Hardware Software Testing & Debugging Working Prototype Completed Current Upcoming
References [1], 'eCFR — Code of Federal Regulations', [Online]. Available: bin/text- idx?SID=59dc0d0e30809c6ef8ba8eddd3f7a9a9&mc=true&tpl=/ecfrbrowse/Title47/ l. [Accessed: 15- Sep- 2015]. [2], '', [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 29- Sep- 2015]. [3] Weather Questions, 'Weather Questions & Answers', [Online]. Available: u_s.htm. [Accessed: 29- Sep- 2015]. [4], 'GPIO: Raspberry Pi Models A and B - Raspberry Pi Documentation', [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 10- Oct- 2015].