KnowledgeApplicationAnalysisSynthesis $200 $300 $400 $500 $400 $300 $200 $500 $400 $300 $200 $500 $400 $300 $200
Knowledge - $200 What was the main type of visual art used by Redniss? Cyanotype
Knowledge - $300 What nuclear power plant exploded in the late spring of 1986? Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant
Knowledge - $400 What was the name of the toxic land that was sealed off after the nuclear explosion? The Zone of Alienation
Knowledge - $500 What professor studied birds inside the Zone of Alienation? Tim Mousseau
Application - $200 What area was most affected by the Chernobyl explosion? (Red, Blue, or Green) Green Area
Application - $300 Which visual media did Redniss use most throughout “Radioactive”? A.B. C. B. Cyanotype
Application - $400 Which barn swallow was affected by the nuclear explosion? Left or Right? Right
Application - $500 What library can you find scholarly articles/research and maps, much like the one Redniss used? New York Public Library, Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers
Analysis - $200 On page why does Redniss choose to use a black and white visual? To show the affect of radioactive contamination or To show the albinism in barn swallows
Analysis - $300 What evidence does the author use to describe the consequences of the Chernobyl explosion? The map and the story of the barn swallows (both are plausible answers)
Analysis - $400 Which technique does Redniss use to describe this moment? A. Paradox B. Aphorism C. Juxtaposition C. Juxtaposition
Analysis - $500 Why does Redniss include the Chernobyl incident specifically within the chapter Isolation To compare the isolation of Marie Curie after Pierre Curie’s death versus the isolation caused by the Chernobyl explosion
Synthesis - $200 How did Redniss use synthesis to support the text in Isolation of “Radioactive”? Name two. Maps, her interview with Tim Mousseau, excerpts from Marie Curie’s diary, photographs (any two answers are correct)
Synthesis - $300 What can you hypothesize from this picture without reading the included text? The barn swallows were greatly impacted by the nuclear contamination – albinism
Synthesis - $400 Remembering the two maps from the PowerPoint, which general area was affected by the Chernobyl incident and the Tomsk-7 incident? Northern Europe
Synthesis - $500 Considering their choice of work, finish this simile. Redniss is to radium as Oppenheimer is to __________. Uranium