Value Engineering Certification Step by Step By Abdulaziz S. Al-Yousefi, CVS
2 TVM Started in 1973 (15 years after the birth of SAVE International It is administered by the Certification board (CB) of SAVE International The CB members are designated SAVE International Board of directors CB represents, government, Private & Academic CB establish procedures and guidelines What is Certification Program
3 TVM Create and maintain professional standards Improve the practice of VM Establish and maintain a professional recognition program Clarify methods and procedures in the VE application Establish and maintain ethical standards for individuals encourage and widen the development and the applications of VE Certification Program Objectives
4 TVM Types of certificates For individuals who are new to VE No experience required Leads VE Team Teach VE as secondary Last 4 year, then expires For those who are not the VE Business Lead VE Team Teach VE as secondary It is renewable The highest degree For those who are fully qualified and are the VE field Lead VE Teams Teach VE It is Renewable AssociatedV alue Specialist AVS Value Methodology Practitioner VMP CVS Certified Value Specialist
5 TVM Certificates Requirements In addition, in all cases, you have to: - Choose an advisor - Submit an application to the Certification board - Pass the appropriate test - Pay fees ($120 for members and $160 for non-members ) - Pay $40 annual maintenance fee ItemAVSVMPCVS CourseMOD 1 MOD1 & MOD2 Minimum Certification Pointes None44 Practice 24 Learn 15 Share 5 VM 72 VS ValidityDoes not expire No recertification Must recertify every 4 years Work in VENot Required A must PaperNot Required A must
6 TVM Certificates Points CategoryPoints PracticePerform, 1 point for every 10 hour as VE team member 1 point for every 10 hour as VE team leader Manage VM, 8 point per full time year employment in VE Learn1 point for every 10 hour for VE & VE related courses 20 points for a college degree (Initial Certification only) 5 Point for Profetional degree (2 maximum) Share1 point for every 5 hour teaching 3 point for every publication 1 point for every 5 hour teaching 1 point for every one year SAVE member 4 point for chapter board member and 8 point for chapter president 10 point for National Board Member 2 point for every VMP & CVS advisor For more details, visit
7 TVM Exams (Must score 70% for each part) Exam Topics AVSVMPCVS 1. Fundamental 50 Questions, T&F 100 Points 30 Min 100 Points 30 Min 100 Points 30 Min 2. Work problem (Functions analysis, function/cost ) 100 Points 30 Min 100 Points 30 Min 100 Points 30 Min 3. FAST 100 Points 30 Min 100 Points 30 Min 100 Points 30 Min 4. Team Building 20 Questions, T&F NA100 Points 30 Min 100 Points 30 Min 5. Certification in VE 20 Questions, T&F NA 100 Points 15 Min 6. Financial LCC analysis, Break even NA 100 Points 30 Min 7. Essay, Demonstrate knowledge of VM principles NA 100 Points 45 Min
8 TVM AVS Exam parts Part 1 Fundamentals (100 points) Part 2Function Analysis (100 points) 20 questions – Function analysis in General 40 points (20 X 2) 15 questionsFAST Diagram 30 points (15 X 2) 5 questions Function logic of FAST 30 points (5 X 6)
9 TVM AVS Exam study Materials MOD 1 Manual – specially Section 2 Sample Test SAVE International document - FAST
10 TVM AVS Exam اختبار يؤهل المشاركين الذين انهو الدورة التاسيسية للحصول على شهادة أخصائي هندسة قيمية مشارك Associated Value Specialist (AVS) مصدقه ومعتمدة من قبل الجمعية الدولية للهندسة القيمية SAVE International. ومكون من الجزء الاول خمسون ( 50) سؤال عن مبادئ الهندسة القيمية الجزء الثاني عشرون ( 20) سؤال عن التحليل الوظيفي في الهندسة القيمية خمسة عشر ( 15) سؤال عن رسم الفاست FAST Diagram خمسة ( 5) سؤال عن رسم الفاست FAST Diagram
11 TVM Certification – Step by step Choose an advisor Fill the Certification Application Form Sign the application form by you and your advisor. Send the form along with a copy of your MOD 1 certificate to SAVE Certification Board (CB) CB approve the application and inform you Chose a proctor Take the AVS Exam through a proctor or at the annual SAVE Conference Proctor send the Exam to CB for grading CB inform you about the result
12 TVM Advisor The first step is to choose advisor. He should be A CVS in good standing An individual in you region Some one you know or work with Preferably some who has been an advisor before His responsibilities are: Help determining the appropriate certification Review the application in compliance with the latest requirements Assist CVS applicant with “ the paper “ Review submittals and Sign the application
13 TVM Where and how to take the test You can take the test in two ways Either at the SAVE International Conference Or through a proctor SAVE will sent the test to him and you take the test at a within 30 days. For help, please contact president, Arabian Gulf Chapter, SAVE International Abdulaziz S. Al-Yousefi, CVS
14 TVM Certification Form Visit to download - This form - Cert. Manual - Cert. Study Guide - More VE literatures