Waste Treatment Pyrogasification PRESENTED BY: BASHIR CORBANI DATE: 17/10/2015
Objectives Sustainability Social Economical Environmental Educational
How to achieve a sustainable living? Smart Waste Solution Energetic Valorization Cost Reduction through Waste Treatment Remarkable Financial Benefits Environmental Benefits
It is a technology that allows the transformation of organic and carbon based material into a clean syngas that can compete with fossil fuels. It consists of two phases: The pyrolysis which thermally (between 450 ᵒC and 1000 ᵒC) treats the material without oxygen in order to produce syngas, biofuel and char. The gasification which transforms the char and biofuel into syngas through adding small quantities of oxygen.
Inputs o Plastic (Polyethylene, Polystyrene, PVC…) o Tires o Hospital waste o Sludge from purifying plants, urban and industrial o Wood o Agriculture Residues o Organic waste o Oil Based waste o Chemical waste Other types of waste can be treated but might require special pre-treatment or post-treatment. The waste entering should preferably be sorted in order to increase the efficiency of the machine.
Outputs o Combustible Syngas o Char o Biofuel o Mineral residues The percentage of Biofuel and Syngas may vary depending on the speed and temperature of the process. The higher the temperature and speed the more syngas is produced.
Step Diagram
Environmental Advantages
Advantages o Clean technology due to better control of pollutants in the absence of oxygen which creates harmful gases such as Nox o Speed and uniformity of heat transfer makes the machine superior to others while giving stable outcome o More energy efficient than incineration o No landfilling required o Allows to produce clean renewable gas which is competitive with natural gas o Machines are easily transported and do not require a lot of space
Advantages of our Implementation o Output can be used to generate electricity and heat hence reducing the cost of electricity and hot water o Turbines can be installed allowing each municipality to have their own 24/7 electricity o All employees shall be local and from the municipalities in order to create jobs o Municipalities can improve the infrastructure from the profits made o Educational campaigns because we believe it all starts with the mindset of the people
Solution The below steps are very flexible and can be done by either party or by collaboration. 1.Collecting waste without compression 2.Sorting the waste in the facility 3.Treating the material with Pyrogasification 4.Selling the outputs in the form of: 1.Electricity 2.Raw material (Syngas, Biofuel, Char)
Towards a Better Living… The flexibility of the solution extends to the financial aspect of the project. We are here to accommodate the needs of the municipalities and understand the limits that they have. Our ultimate goal is creating a sustainable living by creating a self-sufficient municipality. This aim guarantees that all sides will benefit in all aspects such as increased revenue, cleaner environment, and most importantly from the people’s side, better living conditions!
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