Canadian Poverty
Canada according to the UN is one of the most ‘Livable’ countries in the world. Canada ranks high in Education, Longevity, Energy and all facets of economic well being. But check out these facts: 1:5 million children (1 in 5) live in poverty. 548, 000 live in Ontario 37.3% of the children are under 12 and live in Toronto.
Canada ranks 10 th out of 17 industrialized countries. UNICEF says we have one of the worst child poverty rates among rich countries. 1:8 school children live in a family with a very low income. Children under 18 (1/4 of Canada’s pop.), 38% of them are recipients of the Food Bank. According to the NGO (National Anti- Poverty Organization) 1 in 6 Canadians are poor. That’s 17.5% of the population.
‘Stats Can’: Poor are found usually in families where the head of the family is under % of single youths under 24 live below the poverty line. POVERTY LINE: ‘Low Income cutoff’ as 55%. If a family spends more than 55% of its income on basic necessities (food, shelter and clothing) they are income poor! Poverty is gender related – 56% of families with a single mother are poor.
Most vulnerable are non-elderly unattached women. 40.9% of women that fit this category are poor compared to 35% for men. Many women enter retirement in poverty. Women earn 80 cents to every one dollar a man earns. Canada pension benefits on average are $285 a month for women and $410 for men.
Income is also shared unequally. Richest 20% earn 45% of all income. Poorest 20% earn 5% of income. Some people argue with the way statistics are calculated. Some say the picture is brighter and we do not have so many poor and of course others say the picture is worse!
The End!