Where do the Inuit Live? Expert Group #1 Jack Travis A.J.
Where Do the Inuit Live? The Inuit are the native people who live in the Arctic. In Canada, they live in the Northern part of Canada near the Arctic Ocean.
Where Do the Inuit Live? Snow and ice covers the land most of the year.
What is the weather like in Northern Canada? Expert Group #2 Emily Amber Haley
What is the weather like in Northern Canada? Winters are long, dark and cold. Summers are short and cool.
What is the weather like in Northern Canada? Temperature can dip to 50 degrees below zero! Brrr…. That’s cold!! The sun does not set from March to September. Land of the Midnight sun!!
How Do the Inuit Survive Expert Group #3 Noor Holly
How Do the Inuit Survive
Inuit Hunt to Survive! Land Animals Caribou Musk Oxen Snow Bunnies Polar Bears Water Animals Fish Seals Walrus Small White Whales Narwhales
Inuit Homes Expert Group #4 Ben William Nicole C.
Inuit Homes
Inuit Homes Winter Homes rock and sod wall homes Year round snow houses igloos - temporary shelters when traveling
How Do the Inuit Travel? Expert Group #5 Kristine Chelsea Ryan
How Do the Inuit Travel? On Land * Foot * Sleds pulled by sled dogs * Snow mobile
How Do the Inuit Travel? On Water * Kayaks (small boats) * Umiaks (large boats)
What Is the Inuit Clothing Like? Expert Group #6 Kaley Joseph Nicole A.
What is the Inuit Clothing Like?
Inuit clothes were made out of animal skins. Caribou Musk oxen Women made the clothes.
What was Inuit family life like? Expert Group #7 Corey Robert
What was Inuit family life like?
Inuit Family Life Girls learn…... to scrape animal hides to cook to sew * Boys learn…. * to fish * to hunt * to make sled, tools, and houses