12/17/2015 MAT'S RIDE 3 Ride with a purpose for a cause Registration desk on the day of Mat’s Ride in 2007
12/17/2015 MAT'S RIDE 4 Mat’s Ride 2008 June 14 th 2008 at 9.00am
12/17/2015 MAT'S RIDE 5 Mat’s Ride 2007 Raised $21,000 for CMHA
12/17/2015 MAT'S RIDE 6 Most people who participate know someone who suffers from, or who has suffered from depression.. or they themselves are suffering from depression
12/17/2015 MAT'S RIDE 7 Hot-Rods were also welcome... minivans, cars, SUVs. This is a fun family event
12/17/2015 MAT'S RIDE 8 The stigma associated with youth depression makes it difficult for young people to speak about it
12/17/2015 MAT'S RIDE Slide 9 The purpose of Mat’s Ride is to increase awareness of this condition and encourage young people to not be afraid to talk about it
12/17/2015 MAT'S RIDE Slide 10 Early education is crucial to dealing effectively with youth depression – without education or intervention, the incidents of youth suicide will continue to rise.
12/17/2015 MAT'S RIDE Slide 11 Mat’s Ride is raising a loud noise with this annual event... But we need a lot more noise to silence this silent killer
12/17/2015 MAT'S RIDE 12 The ride to Rafter Six Ranch Those who have taken their lives because of this condition, may they rest in peace. Let Mat’s Ride bring peace to those who are living with this potentially lethal condition. THE JOURNEY TO END YOUTH DEPRESSION
12/17/2015 MAT'S RIDE 13 Rafter Six Ranch
12/17/2015 MAT'S RIDE Slide 14 Did You Know? Each year we lose over 1,000 youth to youth depression in Canada.
12/17/2015 MAT'S RIDE Slide 15 Without effective education on the subject of youth depression, this figure will continue to rise
12/17/2015 MAT'S RIDE Slide 16 We must get a strong message across to our youth, that it’s okay to talk about depression, or more young people will die unnecessarily.
12/17/2015 MAT'S RIDE Slide 17 We have the capacity to provide effective education for our precious youth – Our Challenge is trying to find the most effective channels
12/17/2015 MAT'S RIDE Slide 18 This is where YOUR involvement can help make an enormous difference to thousands of families in Calgary
12/17/2015 MAT'S RIDE Slide 19 Mat’s Ride - creates greater awareness, and follows through with providing specialist education about suicide and depression to our youth.
12/17/2015 MAT'S RIDE Slide 20 Mat’s Ride is a fun event – great interaction, wonderful ride in the country, delicious barbecue at Rafter Six Ranch, silent auction, and guest speakers.
12/17/2015 MAT'S RIDE Slide 21 Silent Auction
12/17/2015 MAT'S RIDE Slide 22 Young participants in Mat’s Ride in 2007 (it is a family event). They’re having fun hitting the Piñata Could they too be touched by youth depression?
12/17/2015 MAT'S RIDE Slide 23 Fun with a purpose - lest we forget. Lest we forget - how Mat Gilbert touched our lives. Lest we forget - how he touched the lives of so many of his friends and classmates
12/17/2015 MAT'S RIDE 24 Quiet reflection on the purpose of the ride, and an opportunity to engage in conversation with other concerned people
12/17/2015 MAT'S RIDE 25 This is where Mat Gilbert is remembered – guest speakers – the purpose of Mat’s Ride – heighten awareness of this deadly silent killer - Join this journey to end youth depression.
12/17/2015 MAT'S RIDE Slide 26 This is Diana, Lan and Amanda Gilbert – Sharing their fond memories of the short 19 years they enjoyed Mat’s life on this earth, as they host the Mat’s Ride annual event
12/17/2015 MAT'S RIDE 27 Jeremy Kroeker – Author of Motorcycle Therapy Ella Solin - the educator who brings the message from CMHA to schools Guest Speakers – offer support and lift spirits
12/17/2015 MAT'S RIDE Slide 28 During 2007 Mat’s Ride funded 343 School Presentations Reaching over 10,000 students
12/17/2015 MAT'S RIDE Slide 29 Lest we forget – that nobody knew of his condition until it was too late Lest we forget - that there are thousands of other young people out there today suffering in silence... just as Mat did.
12/17/2015 MAT'S RIDE Slide 30 - Lest we forget -that there is something we can do to prevent this heartache happening to other families. –Lest we forget - that it is our duty to warn those we love about the dangers of trying to conceal and suppress the condition of youth depression
12/17/2015 MAT'S RIDE 31 Mat’s mother, father and sister express their gratitude for the support given to Mat’s Ride. Even in grief, they bring hope.
We Need Your Support 12/17/2015 MAT'S RIDE 32 Together we can make a difference Together we can educate our youth Together, let us embark on this journey... to end youth depression Will YOUR school join us?
12/17/2015 MAT'S RIDE 33 Mat Gilbert June 26, 1986 – June 24, 2005 In loving memory of THE JOURNEY TO END YOUTH DEPRESSION