Contents: -How we worked to do this project……………3 -Date file …………………………………………..……..4 -Why we choose this book…………………………5 -Summary………………………………………………….6 -Questions…………………………………………………7 -Opinion………………………………………………… Vocabulary…………………………………………….....9
How we worked to do the project? To do this project all of us had to read the book. We have been highlighting the vocabulary that we didn’t understand. After that, as we couldn’t do this work together at home any day, each one of us did a part of it (the summary, the vocabulary, the data file, the questions, etc.) And at the end we put all the parts of the project together in the self-acess.
Data file: Tittle: Robinson Crusoe Author: Daniel Defoe Genre: Adventures
Why we chose this book? We chose this book because we knew more or less robinson crusoe’s story because it’s famous, and we like it, as well, none of us had never read the book so it seemed interesting and exciting, we like stories of adventures and action and we thought that this book was a good option whit these characteristics.
Summary: Robinson Crusoe is a man who is lost in an island because he suffered a shipwreck. He’s alone in the island, so he survived by himself. He built a house and cultivated all kinds of food. Robinson tries to escape from the island, but it’s so difficult. On the day, after a lot of years, he sees some indigenous coming from another island. They are going to kill three men, but one of them can escape. Crusoe save his life and the man thanks Robinson. He names the man ‘Friday’ because he saved his life on that day. They are good friends and Friday stay in the island with Robinson many years, helping to him to survive. The indigenous came one day, Crusoe and Friday decided to save the indigenous’ prisoners and kill the cannibals. They save two prisoners. One is Friday’s father and the other is a Spaniard. They stayed few months on the island, and then they built a ship and go away, but Crusoe and Friday still staying on the island. Few years later, an English ship arrive to the island. The mutineers have taken control of the ship, and they try to leave the captain and some sailors on the island but Crusoe and Friday help to the captain and they kill some mutineers, and the other were left in the island. The captain, the sailors, Friday and Crusoe get the ship and returned to England, his home.
Questions: Which is the main tense of the book? The main tense of the book is the past simple What is the vocabulary like? It’s a little bit difficult, with some words that we don’t know, but through the context we could understand all the meaning s of the words and the story. Do you feel comfortable reading the book? Yes, it’s easy to read and the story is exciting.
Opinion: We like this book because it's interesting to see how a man survives in a lonely island, almost without any help for many years. Moreover, we see how Robinson acts living alone for 20 years more or less. It's incredible that he didn't become mad or he lost his faith.
Vocabulary: Gupowder: pólvora Shore: terra platja Wreck: naufragi Raft: bassa Wished: desitjava Besides: a més de… Sailors: mariners Chewed: mastegat Reached: assolit Surrounded: envoltat Axes: eixos Ashore: en terra Chopped: picat Cliff: penya-segat Oar: rem Strength: força Awoke: despertar Fence: tanca Loose: solt Busy: ocupat Earthquake: terratrèmol Stalks: tiges Shore: sól Husks: closques Nearby: a prop de Inch: polzades