LOWER THE COST OF GROWING YOUR BUSINESS Get a free payment processing consultation
WE ARE PAYMENTS EXPERTS Only Chase Paymentech can help you manage your total cost of payment acceptance, reduce the impact of chargebacks and improve your view of sales activity.
AT THE POINT-OF-SALE Our retail solutions include secure and reliable processing of credit and debit card transactions. We also offer revenue-generating custom gift card solutions.
AND ELSEWHERE We provide safe and efficient processing of online and telephone order payments so your business can truly know no boundaries.
WE PROVIDE EXPERT CONSULTATION We listen to your needs and provide payment solutions that fit your unique business and help you manage the payment processing’s variable costs.
WE ARE A DIRECT PROVIDER We own and operate our own systems and technology. We do not outsource work or resell other’s capabilities.
WE HAVE THE POWER OF SCALE Maintaining our own authorization network means we can provide merchants with the best rates from VISA and MasterCard.
WE ARE DEPENDABLE Our highly-efficient systems ensure accurate, cost- effective and timely transaction processing. We maintain a robust, fault-tolerant system that boasts a 99.99% uptime.
WE PROVIDE RESPONSIVE SUPPORT We provide responsive and thorough operational and technical support that help merchants maximize the potential of our payment solutions.
WE NEVER STOP INNOVATING Our payment products adapt to evolving technology, business requirements and consumer payment preferences to ensure you maintain a solution that remains state-of-the-art.
WE CAN DELIVER MEASURABLE RESULTS Merchants can quickly see a positive financial impact through increased revenues, reduced expenses, and an expanded, loyal customer base.
LET US PROVE IT A quick, no-obligation review of your most recent processing statement by our payments experts is the first step to saving money. CALL FOR A FREE CONSULTATION For more info please visit: Call (516) Fax (516)