Henry M. Jackson High School
Slide 2 Directions for Administration (DFA) – New layout and Shorter directions DAPE - ES/MS in one manual EOC - One set of directions for Three-session and one set of directions for Single-session administrations. State Use Box Row 1 (unexpected medical emergency need to use a scribe without IEP/504) Resources and Tools (page 3&4) Section: Resources R3-4-5 Checklists for Proctors R11-14 Test Irregularity guidelines and forms R29 Test Security Assurance forms What’s New
Slide 3 State Laws Governing Security All test content including, but not limited to, test booklets and accommodated forms are confidential and must not be reviewed except to the extent necessary for administration of state assessments. Follow your Test and Security “Building Plan” Tests must be locked-up when not in use Verify ID if you don’t know the student Only staff members carry test booklets Account for all secure materials Ensure confidentiality of test booklets under your control Ensure students have access to what they need – not an advantage Provide appropriate allowable accommodations for all students DFA 5 Policies and Test Security
Slide 4 DFA 6-7 Follow the Code of Professional Conduct, Chapter WAC. Public school employees are expected to know and comply with procedures, established by the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. Securing Testing Environment Post “Testing – Do Not Disturb” signs Electronic devices are turned off and out of view (both staff and student should not use phones during breaks) Backpacks and purses out of reach Policies and Test Security
Slide 5 Teach students test-taking strategies Familiarize students with question formats Multiple Choice Short-Answer Completion Essay Stand-Alone Familiarize students with how to accurately fill in an answer circle Encourage students to try questions and tasks even if they are uncertain Help students to relax and be confident Avoid excessive testing and coaching Important: Use test results appropriately including maintaining confidentiality of individual students’ results. DFA 8 Responsibilities of Teachers
Slide 6 Responsibilities of Test Proctors Before: Read the Directions for Administration (DFA) Familiarize yourself with “Building Plan” schedule and accommodations needed in your classroom Provide a positive environment Prepare your room During: Read direction verbatim and follow the directions in the DFA Monitor students Report irregularities After: Inventory and return all test booklets to the SAC Inventory and return all other ancillary materials, i.e. yellow lined paper, glossaries, or formulas sheets, if distributed Complete and sign a test security assurance form Provide feedback when OSPIs s the Proctor Survey DFA 8-10
We can re-read test directions (NOT test questions) aloud for any test as many times as students need. If a student asks for help on a question, we can suggest: * Read the question quietly, out loud to yourself. * Use your pencil to underline key words in the test question. * Think about what the question is asking you to do. At the beginning of the test we can remind students to complete all items. When they begin to turn in their booklets, we can reread the direction, “…check that you have answered all the questions on each page.” For the Writing test: * We can define single words in the writing prompt (task) in a way that ensures students understand. * We can define any words or phrases on the Writing checklist, as long as we don’t hint or imply how students should write their response. 7 What is allowed during test administration? Smile and make eye contact whenever possible!
Monitor by walking around the room. Ensure that students are: Using #2 pencils (the scanner may not be able to read the responses which could effect the student's score) Using a calculator, not texting Not sharing their work Not using unauthorized tools Not writing on the inner ½ inch of the booklet, by the spine Notice if students: Are in need of an extra break Need help navigating the assessment Slide 8
Slide 9 Assessment Options Retake Opportunities: HSPE in August, DAPE in November, EOC Math in January Students who want to improve their scores Special Education and Section 504 testing accommodations : Basic (meet standard at level 2) WAAS-DAPE (meet standard on ES or MS level) WAAS-Portfolio LDA option English Language Learners (ELL) Students who qualify for English Language Development (ELD) services: Testing accommodations plans for ELL students must be documented and placed in the student’s cumulative folder. DFA 11-13
Extended-time location Add your notes or delete Who will test where? Slide 10
Slide 11 Uniform administration of state assessments ensures that no one student has an unfair advantage over any other student: Allow 15 to 20 additional minutes for test proctor activities Breaks are not included in the timeframes below, follow breaks as outlined in the DFA Assessments are untimed but must be finished in the day it was begun. Testing Schedules SubjectEstimated Student Working Time per session Writing All Levels minutes per session HSPE – Reading minutes DAPE – ES/MS Rdg/Math minutes MSP – 6-8 Rdg/Math/Science minutes MSP – 3-5 Rdg/Math/Science70-90 minutes EOC Math/Science120 minutes (single session) DFA 16
Close test booklets Instruct students not to discuss the test Students are monitored by staff Bathroom break – one student at a time Extended testing time: If students are moving to a different testing location, a staff member must transport the booklets DFA 15 Slide 12
POST pink attendance sheets by 7:45 RETURN white chain of custody forms with books (don’t forget to transfer attendance info to this sheet before posting!) Take BLUE extended time sheets to the library with extended testers Students arriving late can test if: There is enough time to finish the assessment, they have not had access or knowledge about testing materials, and reading directions will not disturb others. Slide 13
Slide 14 Test Materials Before: Receive and sign-out all test booklets and CDs Verify appropriate materials for the content area During: Reporting a Perceived Error on the test Notify the SAC of the perceived error, including subject, grade, test booklet form, test question number and page number Instruct students to do their best, the state will provide a remedy if necessary After: Return and sign-in all materials including scratch paper Or sign-out to Extended-Room proctor Return signed Test Security Assurance Form for each proctor DFA 5 & 23
Do what you can to correct the situation, move the students or take away the cell phone. Continue testing whenever possible. Report to your SAC – Nyla - immediately regarding any irregularity – CALL x7010 When instructed by the SAC, document the irregularity on the front cover of test booklets in the “Notes: Proctor/Coordinator” box. Record the events on your “Test Security Assurance Form” and provide the SAC with specific details of what transpired IMPORTANT: DO NOT INVALIDATE A TEST BOOKLET DFA R11-14 Slide 15
Pick-up booklets in the Main Office Conference Room by 7:10 am. DFA in the classroom (Reminder: Writing prompt is not in the DFA - read from a student test booklet) Tools clearly identified for the subject area and available for students Room is ready, walls have only appropriate materials Place “Testing-Do Not Disturb” sign on door Collect backpacks and cell phones Slide 16
Proctor Training Materials in HSPE SCOOP Proctor Assignment Spreadsheet Check ALL tabs for assignments each day Proctor Training PowerPoint Checklist for Proctors What is Allowed Proctor Quiz Tools for State Assessments EPS Irregularity Guidelines Individual Irregularity Report Universal Accommodations Available for All Students Slide 17