WP6/SA2: Access to IS-ENES Data Federation SA2 is a European distributed data infrastructure providing access to data from ESM simulations produced in the context of IPCC assessment reports. The SA2 infrastructure will start with existing networked data archives presently acting as European data nodes for the IPCC Data Distribution Centre (DDC) and will operate the European data nodes for the next IPCC assessment report (AR5). ICSU World Data Centre Climate (WDCC) at DKRZ in Hamburg, Germany British Atmospheric Data Centre (BADC) at STFC in Rutherford, United Kingdom. During the project three additional ESM data/compute nodes will start to provide services within the SA2 infrastructure. National Supercomputing Centre (LIU) in Linköping, Sweden Barcelona Supercomputing Centre (BSC) in Barcelona, Spain CNRS-IPSL in Paris, France.
WP6/SA2: Access to IS-ENES Data Federation Services Provision of data access: Data access starts from the consortium available data archives and their web-based access points. Focus will be on the CMIP5/AR5 data archive and the European contributions. File-based data access for bulk data transfer Field-based data access for end uder applications Provision of data processing tools: Modelling community: The service will provide support to European modelling groups to populate the CMIP5/AR5 data base. The IPCC data evaluation process needs network integrated tools and workflows for efficient data processing and visualisation. ESM data end users: For impact and adaptation studies, the service will provide higher level data products (maps, pictures, extremes, GIS input …).
BADC BADC: 0.5 PByte WDCC: 0.5 PByte PCMDI: 0.5 PByte CMIP5/AR5 Data Archive IPSL data repository data access processing tools VERC Data portal BSC Barcelona LIU Linköping Data Nodes Compute Nodes WDCC / DKRZ Development: JRA4 / JRA5 Implementation: JRA4 / SA2 Operations: SA2 WP6/SA2: Access to IS-ENES Data Federation