Voluntary Sector North West Health and Well-Being Boards – Voice and Representation Tim Gilling Acting Executive Director Centre for Public Scrutiny
Re-defining relationships “We believe that many of the White Paper proposals provide opportunities to fundamentally redefine relationships and behaviours between: professionals, patients and carers (e.g. through shared decision-making) commissioners and providers (e.g. through shifting the balance of power and capacity to change the status quo) commissioners, providers and communities (e.g. through involvement and influence) commissioners, providers and councillors (e.g. through political leadership and scrutiny)” CfPS response to Equity and Excellence – October 2010
what do we mean?
what does the sector look like? diverse supporters fundraisers advocates providers this is a strength but can also be a barrier
challenges for the sector credibility = staying independent but havingan influence outside or inside ‘the system’ – easy to dismiss or easy to pigeonhole community channel – facing out, in touch with wider perspectives critical friend – facing in, strategic advice from a non- institutional perspective
the value the sector brings what matters to people: right treatment/right time/right place continuity/integration outcomes of care clinical quality dignity of care environment of care shared decision-making practical and emotional support carers and families after care/independence
tools to influence Health and Well-Being Boards – membership or advisory? local Healthwatch council scrutiny working together or supporting your own cause influencing needs assessments and health and well-being strategies