EU Military Staff COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH IN EU CRISIS MANAGEMENT Example of its implementation in Capability Development Commander Philippe VALIN European Union Military Staff Concepts & Capabilities Directorate
EU Military Staff The Challenge Crisis Pre-conflict High-intensity operations Post-conflict stabilisation reconstruction Long-term development Diplomatic drivers Economic drivers Military drivers drivers Strategic level Strategic level In-theatre level In-theatre level National actors National actors Multinational actors Multinational actors NGOs NGOs
EU Military Staff Language CIMIC (Civil Military Co-operation) Co-operation and coordination between military force and independent external civil organisations and actors (i.e. IO, NGO, local authorities and population) – A tool for the FCdr CMCO (Civil Military Co-ordination) Civil-Military Co-ordination in the context of CFSP/ESDP addresses the need for effective co-ordination of the actions of all relevant EU actors involved in the planning and subsequent implementation of EU's response to the crisis CA (Comprehensive Approach) An approach to co-ordinate all actors and instruments that are used for crisis management, stabilisation and reconstruction
EU Military Staff The EU is a complex institution 27 Member States Council Parliament Commission
EU Military Staff MILITARY CAPABILITIES CIVILIAN CAPABILITIES CAPACITY BUILDING AND RECONSTRUCTION PROGRAMS “expanded” Petersberg tasks Police, Justice, Civil Administration, Monitoring… EU Crisis Management Instruments
EU Military Staff EU Capability Development Military ProcessCivilian Process TEU Art 41.2: Operating expenditure to which the implementation of this Chapter gives rise shall also be charged to the Union budget, except for such expenditure arising from operations having military or defence implications and cases where the Council acting unanimously decides otherwise. Pooling & Sharing
EU Military Staff –Strategic and tactical transportation –Logistic support –Communications and information systems –Medical support –Security and force protection (including Duty of care) –Use of space capabilities –Unmanned Vehicles –Warehousing and centralized support systems –Sharing information and intelligence –Training –Exercises –Interconnecting the civilian and military capability development processes –Lessons learned Synergies in EU Capability Development
EU Military Staff Conclusion … But in the primary objective of saving lives, sometimes it is only the military which has the equipment or people who can achieve that - delivering aid at speed, putting in place the infrastructure... Speech of High Representative Catherine Ashton on main aspects and basic choices of the Common Foreign and Security Policy and the Common Security and Defence policy European Parliament – Strasbourg – 11 May 2011
EU Military Staff CSDP Structures EDA CMPD European Council General Affairs and External Relations Council (GAERC) PMG RELEX ISS SatCen CIVCOM EUMCCEUMC EUMCWG COREPER Political and Security Committee (PSC) HR … Situation Centre CPCC EUMS MILITARY OPERATIONS HQs Force HQs Force HQs MILITARY OPERATIONS HQs HEADs OF MISSION EEAS