Westward Expansion As population expands, Americans look WEST. Manifest Destiny: US was destined (God’s will) to expand to the Pacific Ocean People moved for… 1) Land 2) Business Opportunity 3)Escape religious Persecution (Mormons)
Westbound Travelers used Indian trade routes: 1) Oregon Trail – from Missouri to Oregon 2) Santa Fe Trail – from Missouri to New Mexico 3) Mormon Trail – Led by Joseph Smith & later Brigham Young. Mormons headed to Utah
Texas Independence 1820: Americans settle in Spanish Texas 1821: Mexico gains independence from Spain, Mexico welcomes Americans (economic growth & stability) 1830: More Americans than Mexicans in the territory, American settlers & Mexicans clash over slavery 1835: Stephen Austin starts Texas independence movement Mexican Pres. Santa Anna sends army to stop Austin’s mvmnt
Remember the Alamo! 1836: American troops enter the Alamo, Santa Anna’s troops attack & win Later, 300 American rebels were executed by Santa Anna Treaty of VelascoIn response, Sam Houston leads rebels & capture Santa Anna, forcing him to sign the Treaty of Velasco Texas gets independence, Houston becomes President of Republic of Texas
Mexican-American War Pres. Polk (pro-slavery) wants Texas to join US, Texas does Texas & Mexico having a dispute over borders (page 134) Polk proposes new borders and wants Mexico to sell N. Mexico & California – Mexico refuses 1845: Small fights breakout on Texas-Mexico border, Polk asks for declaration of war
Results of the War 1846: American settlers seize Sonoma, declare Republic of California, w/ help of American troops Mexico beaten in CA Mexico loses war, signs Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo (1848) Mexico gives US land to Pacific, US will pay $15 million for land 5 yrs later, Gadsden Purchase & Oregon allow more expansion 1848: Gold found in California, 49ers begin mining gold CA economy booming! “Go West Young Man” is new slogan
The Gold Rush Gold found in Sutter’s Mill, CA – 1848 Migration –1848: 400 –1850: 44,000 “The blacksmith dropped his hammer, the carpenter his plane, the mason his trowel, the farmer his sickle, the baker his loaf, and the tapster (bar-tender) his bottle. All were off to the mines… I have only a community of women left, and a gang of prisoners, with here and there a soldier who will give his captain the slip at first chance. I don’t blame the fellow a whit; seven dollars a month, while others (prospectors) are making two or three hundred a day!” – Walter Colton “Go West, Young Man” - Horace Greeley
“GO WEST, YOUNG MAN!” - Horace Greeley