Maximising reservoir information from conventional cores – case study 1 Andrew Thurlow Principal Reservoir Geologist Ichron United Kingdom 6 th June 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

Maximising reservoir information from conventional cores – case study 1 Andrew Thurlow Principal Reservoir Geologist Ichron United Kingdom 6 th June 2014

Case Study 1 – Jurassic, UK North Sea Northwich 66 wells described, >15,000’ core

Case Study 1 – Jurassic, UK North Sea

Well shown in previous slide

Case Study 1 – Jurassic, UK North Sea

Exaggerated Vertical Scale No Horizontal Scale >3300ft Un-Swept Rannoch Fm. Water Swept Broom Fm. Water Swept Etive Fm. c.40ft

Case Study 1 – Jurassic, UK North Sea

Conclusions Sedimentological re-description of a historic core database underpinned the building of a field-scale depositional model for a relatively thin reservoir unit with significant volumes of unswept oil in a late-life giant field. Depositional model de-risked uncertainty over distribution of moderate-high reservoir quality zones. This allowed a dedicated production well to be planned and drilled. Results of the well were highly cost-effective.

Ichron gratefully acknowledge the support of exploration companies licencing our regional UK, Norwegian & Brazilian multi-client reservoir quality studies plus Centrica Energy & CNR for permission to show data from the North Coast Marine Area and Ninian Field respectively. Thank you for listening