Week Three Vocabulary
concept Part of Speech: Noun Definition: A general idea about something. Sentence Example:
theory Part of Speech: Noun Definition: A hypothesis that has generally been proven to be correct. Sentence Example:
philosophy Part of Speech: Noun Definition: A way of looking at the world or looking at life in general. Sentence Example:
direct democracy (pure democracy) Part of Speech: Noun Definition: A form of democracy in which people vote on policy directly **As opposed to a representative democracy in which people vote for representatives who then vote on policy Sentence Example:
inhabitant Part of Speech: Noun Definition: A person or animal that lives in a particular place. Sentence Example:
propose Part of Speech: Verb Definition: To offer or suggest something for consideration. Sentence Example:
descend Part of Speech: Verb Definition: To be inherited through generations of a family. Sentence Example:
hardy Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: Able to stand up to hardships; sturdy. Sentence Example:
impression Part of Speech: noun Definition: What you think or feel about someone or something. Sentence Example:
Socrates Definition: A Greek philosopher (? BCE) who encouraged peope to think carefully about ideas before accepting them *Socratic method Sentence Example:
Plato Definition: A Greek philosopher (? BCE) who was a student of Socrates. Plato explained his ideas in the form of written conversations Sentence Example: