We need your help!!
Snamahs in need of help! We are called the snamahs and we need your help We need several products to help us on our planet Yelap. You will receive a product that your group will need to design for us. Thank you for your help xxx
Please show us your products!!
Think about this Could your products have designed themselves? Could your products exist without a designer? Did anyone design this as your product?.....
The design and complexity of the universe through the musical lyrics of Monty Python 0SY&feature=related%20 0SY&feature=related%20
The Teleological Argument Posteriori Inductive Synthetic Telos
Arguments for the Existence of God These types of argument are often called ‘Teleological’ arguments. They basically works like this : 1.To design something takes intelligence and thought. 2.The universe appears to have been designed. 3.Therefore, a being with intelligence and thought must have designed the universe. 4.Only God could design something as complex as the universe. 5.Therefore, God must exist.
Own Research You are to research and make notes on the balance of nature theory You are then to find examples of design in the universe (they have to be ones you understand) the below website will help you in this; orDesignInTheUniverse.html
How could the eye be used to prove the existence of God? What else could be used to demonstrate this?
Plato again! Just a bit older this time A book written in his later life called ‘Timaeus’ refers to a Demi-urge. Demi-urge translates literally as public worker. Plato believed in a world that was pre-existent (matter already existed before it was formed into the universe) The Demi-urge does not create the world ex nihilo but rather acts as a craftsman ordering the material world out of chaos. It makes logical sense as if there was not a designer there would still be chaos. The Demiurge wanted to reproduce in the material world the perfect order of the Forms, but the world as crafted turned out not to be perfect because matter is imperfect.
Aristotle His theory can be found in his book metaphysics Based upon his observation of the world around him and the stars above him The only possible explanation for all the complexity and beauty that the world contains was a divine intelligence This was a first unmoved mover responsible for the source of all existing order This god possesses intelligence, goodness, eternity yet is incorporeal
A picture paints a thousand words s/interactives/comic/ s/interactives/comic/